Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Friedrich Lekve






The Ridge,




14. 6. 46



Care Frater,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I was very glad to have your letter of April 29th. It seems to take rather a long while for things to come through at present, but I dare say everything will settle down in the course of the next few months.


Do not worry yourself about the German letter—I was very glad to have the opportunity of reading it.


You must not think that I under-estimate your behaviour during the last 10 years, but you must understand that my own responsibility is very heavy, and I have to act with extreme caution, not only because of the immediate issue but because a reckless move might be taken 50 years from now as a precedent, and harm ensue.


This is a point that I hope you will consider with great care. You ask to be appointed as my personal representative, but you do not seem to realise that any such position involves responsibilities.


I have very much the same feelings as yourself with regard to Lodges, Orders and the like, but some form of organisation is surely necessary, if your appointment is to have any meaning whatsoever. It is all very well talking about "One Giant" in capital letters, but you must realise that that Giant is at present being rendered almost impotent because the Lilliputians have bound him with their myriads of tiny strands.


What do you propose actually to do to carry on the work? In order to combat those Lilliputians and to free the Giant you need quite a number of people with little razors going round cutting his bonds.


You do not seem to want any organisation at all; what can you do to help? At the present moment there are eight books ready for the Press, and I should like these books to be published during my lifetime. We have got one well on the way, but it will be a very long time before any return will come from the investment, whereas what I want to do is to put the second book in hand with the printer immediately this is out of the way.


However, if you are a Major Adept you ought to be able to work miracles and that is exactly what is wanted. If you possess the Ninth Degree of O.T.O. I must ask you to give me some proof that you know the secret of the Ninth Degree, which is exactly what you need most to enable you to perform those miracles without elaborate ritualistic formulae.


I ask again, what practical steps do you propose to take to help on the work?


I am very glad to hear that your personal spiritual progress is so satisfactory, but I have great need to learn more in detail.


You say you have been training Thelemites for 10 years, but how many are there, and in what sort of position, and can they help us with the work of ensuring the publication of those 8 books of first rate importance, which otherwise might permanently be lost to the world?


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours sincerely




Friedrich Lekve,

Gerlandstr. 24.




