Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe





The Ridge,




10th October, 1946



Dear Jane,

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Thanks so much for your letter. I have practically no time to answer it.


I am going to ask you to forward the enclosed to Jean Phillips with the following explanation:

This story was accepted by "Lilliput" and they paid me Eight Guineas, after cutting it off at the end of Tree's remark. Now the Suzi Hemminger Story Digest have cabled me they want to re-print it after condensing it still further and offer me $50. I think you might be able to sell the full story for a really worth-while price.

     Everything here is in a complete muddle; I have lost my list of addresses, including yours, and all I can do is to ask Jane Wolfe to get this to you somehow.


I had 2 gramophone records from Max [Max Schneider] and I cannot find them either.


Forgive this, but I am really at the last gasp.


I ought to write to Gene [Gene Wood] thanking her for parcels and so on, but you must explain that until I get adequate assistance my work is completely paralyzed.


Olla will be out at the Winter Solstice, price 15/-, there are only 500 copies and a private edition of 20 copies on the remains of the paper that I used for the Tarot [The Book of Thoth]. There will be a few copies for the public at ten guineas.


I am afraid the production will be nothing to write home about; you have no idea what conditions are in this country and worse still in my abode.


Please forgive me, everybody; I think by next Monday I shall be able to write intelligently.


I do not know why it is, but I have elaborate filing systems for my letters and yet I never find any, so that half the time I do not know anybody's address.


You must please forgive this muddled condition, and do the best you can—it is all going in one letter addressed to Soror Estai.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours sincerely,




Love to the Burlingames [Ray and Mildred]—I will write them too.




Miss Jane Wolfe,

5169 1/4 Fountain Avenue,




