Correspondence from Louis Culling to Aleister Crowley




14th of Oct. 1946 E.V.



Care Frater, et Therion, et Baphomet:


93, Thelema.


Many thanks for your last. In relation to what I had previously written, I am struck with the idea of the word "DO" coming to 64, the ALL possibilities of the YI KING.


Next, I don't get this business of even some members using the word "Crowleyanity". I have read your own decided repudiation of same.


I went to see Regardie [Israel Regardie]—just to see what is what. He started to revile you terribly and then flew in a hysteria of fear that he would be attacked by something invisible—only came out of it because he saw me laughing at him.


I did my best to adequately inform you, in time to stop it, about the Hubbard [L. Ron Hubbard]—Parsons [Jack Parsons] deal. The repercussions against me from some members, I regard as a resultant Magickal attack against me.


I have that confidence in you that you see it the same way.


Enclosed is a postal Money Order.


93     93/93.


Yours Fraternally

and with all my love,


Aequila 153


