Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Grady McMurtry





The Ridge,







Capt. Grady L. MacMurtrie [sic],

1661, Sacramento St., Apt. 3,

San Francisco 9, Calif.



Dear Grady,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I am very glad to hear of your good news, but please remember the dangers of family.


The difference between myself and the Pope is that his definition of the word Sin is different from mine. The “word of sin is restriction”—if you bend the young tree out of the straight you cannot expect it to grow straight. For all that, I agree with the practical side of what the Pope says, and Confucius would agree with both of us. Men have lost their feeling for good manners. But this of course happened after every war; it is a well-known historical fact.


It is nice of you to compliment me by asking me to set up a horoscope for Grady Shannon, but you had much better ask Karl [Karl Germer], because he will set it up right, whereas I may make mistakes when latitude and longitude are so far away from London. If you want me to write a judgment on the figure you have only to ask him to send me a copy and I will let you have one, you can rely on me confidently for that.


I am very glad that you are working your 777 as you should. I could not possibly find time to make copies of the new Columns and so on. You will find most incorporated in "The Book of Thoth.


You should be glad to know that I have found a person eminently suitable for re-arranging the Letters in the book “Magick without Tears” which you remember you have a quarter share in. I think after Liber Aleph we shall be able to get that book out.


I have eleven letters to write this afternoon, and am three parts dead already, so forgive me if I break off. With blessings upon you and the boy, [written in: and “mom”!]


Love is the law, love under will


Yours ever Aleister


