Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Aleister Crowley
[Undated: circa 1947]
. . . I have been talking to Ted Bryant [Edward Bryant] and he has found another interesting scientific discovery. What you said was, he thinks, is that Hashish would be found to consist of two separate drugs, one of which would throw the mind into a perfect state for meditation—and the other one which is responsible for toxic properties. Now they have managed to isolate the alkaloid in the Hashish group which is entirely free from those latter toxic properties. It is completely non-habit forming and one dose of it changes the reactions in the mind, that even a melancholic in the asylum finds every event in his eye intensely pleasurable. In many ways, the description of this new drug corresponds with that of the evanescent principle which you describe in Hashish. This too is described by Sire Cecil Burt during the month, and if you are interested it was in the Listener. Ted will find it and post it to you. . . .
I am so thankful you are better and will write again soon.