Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
5169 1/4 Fountain Avenue Los Angeles, 27, California
January 30, 1947
Dear Karl:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Will you kindly accept the belated thank you for your letter of December 16, enclosing the Pentagram notes. These Notes were copies and sent to all members.
Notwithstanding these latest instructions re the Pentagram, some questioning and argument arose in one or two places because these instructions were different from those given in Collected Works, page 265, first volume. Let me say—as you must know—in Cefalu we used Netzach for Michael. In Collected Works Michael is placed in Hod.
And like the stupidest of the stupid I passed along this stuff, and I'm still annoyed with Jane. This is so you understand my remarks in the copy of letter to Aleister enclosed herewith. And this, too, is so unnecessary.
I want to thank you and Sascha [Sascha Germer] for your seasonal greetings. This includes Mary K. She and I, by the way, decided some years ago to eliminate these greeting cards, and this is the first year since then that I regretted I did not make up some personal Solstice greetings for the Group. Hearing from so many of them, as I did, I felt on the sidelines.
I sent Aleister such cards (in which I enclosed the hankies) as I never did think to send him; he must have gnashed his teeth at the first one. And to insure these envelopes going through as greeting cards, I pasted on the envelopes gobs of gay red bells a-ringing.
I wish you two dears might be with us now, when we are having such wonderful days; cold nights, but warm sunshiny days. Latterly Mary K. and I started gardening, laying out our tiny beds as best we know how with the many things we will plant instead of being content with 3 or 4 varieties. Past that are the cyclamen and azalea; bilbergias, those exotic flowers that breathe of Persia or old Egypt, started blooming 2 weeks ago. The carnations have stood by all winter with a few scattered blooms. In another month they will be full of blossoms and the pansies will be showing happy faces.
We were glad to hear Sascha was dispensing with her cane, and hope she is her own good self once more.
Love is the law, love under will.
All love to you both,