Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Karl Germer







[2 May 1947]



P.S. Wherevere did you get the carzy idea that I hated Germans? Germans have done more to shape my life than all of the rest of the nations put together! Eckenstein [Oscar Eckenstein], Fraulein Sprengel, Theodor Reuss, Otto [Otto Gebhardi] and Martha [Martha Küntzel], and now you. You seem to be unaware how much I look up to you! I have alwats said that you were miles ahead of me spiritually. You don't express this in books, etc. because that job was given to me by the Masters. But on purely personal grounds, you come first. My one aversion was the arrogance of the Prussian Officer class: e.g., Von Papen.


