Correspondence from Gene Wood to Aleister Crowley
1336 No. New Hampshire - Apt. 2 Hollywood 28, Calif.
May 25, 1947
Dear 666,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
So glad to get your letter of May 9th and to note that you are feeling more like your old self. Brother Roy [Roy Leffingwell] read it to all the members at our last meeting last Friday and we all note and understand what you say about not being able to stand the heat down on the desert.
Your remarks about the sugar brought forth a couple of extra sugar stamps which were given to Mildred [Mildred Burlingame] and we shall try to keep a supply coming through to you. I am today sending you 2 lbs. (I guess you understand this is all you can send at one time) and a box of soft centered bonbons. Tried to get Wini's, but it seems they are going out of business, so "no luck". Don't know much about this brand, but it was the best I could get around here and I wanted to get the package off pronto, but will try to get hold of a soft centered pack downtown for the next package to you. Am also including some Ivory soap which can be used for either toilet or general use.
I guess you probably heard that Max [Max Schneider] and Jean Schneider are moving up to San Francisco. We shall miss them here in our group.
I enclose the minutes read and approved at our meeting on the 23rd. The GM down at the bottom (in case you are wondering) means Grady McMurtry. I checked with Brothers Karl [Karl Germer] and Roy and we thought this would be a good way to keep Grady apprized of what was going on. Must close for now.
Love is the law, love under will.