Correspondence from Karl Germer to Roy Leffingwell
June 24, 1947
Dear Roy,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I had to delay answering your letter of May 19th, because every time I tried to do so some new versions of what was happening with or on the ranch turned up. The whole matter left me confused. Also I had been waiting for a clear financial statement about the sale from you. (Rhea [Rhea Leffingwell] in her letter of last week has given this to some extent.)
You say: "You dedicated the ranch solemnly in 1940 to 'The Great Work, To Mega Therion, and the Crowned and Conquering Child'. Those that supervise such matters take such an act in the cleanest sense of the word. If you try to withhold one iota, if there is a mental reservation, or if you even try to quibble, saying 'it was only Temple Hill that was vowed, not the ranch'. They simply take by force. They laugh at tricks of an American lawyer or politician. You of all people had ample warning.
My view is that ever since you made that 'dedication' the ranch no longer belonged to you. The Chiefs accepted it, and what you should have done, was to put the act at once in simple legal form. Lofty vows or intentions must be completed by the final seal, and one must be prepared to face the possibly bitter consequences of all that is involved. The inherent vice of 'clinging' must be torn from its subtlest roots.
In retrospect it seems to me that the Masters saw flaws in the purity of your act; They put you through a purgatory; They first got you into debts and frustrated all your plans. When—so I think—you continued in your errors, the vital part of the ranch was wiped out and sold, and the 'gift' has lost its value. May-be They have given you one more chance?
However it my be, you cannot expect me to take too much cognizance of details of the ranch land that remains, while basic factors remain as they are.
You write at length about Georgia [Georgia Schneider] (and Joe [Joe Miller]), and why you designate Rhea as "Head of the Abbey of Thelema", instead of Georgia. In view of the above remarks, and the fact that the place which you call "Abbey", looks now as a mere settlement of the family Leffingwell, it might not have been such a bad idea to emphasize the inner truth of the dedication by placing Georgia in charge after settling the formal transfer first.
Rhea, whom I like, sent me a long letter last week to which I have not replied yet. Her, as well as your, letters show resentment to Georgia. She has been blamed for 'bad' influences, and partly for the failure. I cannot believe this to be true. It is always wiser to look into one's own failings, and search one's own soul. If it has a silver armour there is no hostile influence that can hurt it.
There is nothing else that I have to say, except that I have just received word that I have been able to get a place on a boat to England on September 26th. Sascha [Sascha Germer] and I are leaving for our vacation about July 8th, and I will be more or less inaccessible from then on for the next six weeks.
Love is the law, love under will.
Fraternally yours,
Copy to 666 Jane [Jane Wolfe] Max [Max Schneider] Georgia [Georgia Schneider]