Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to John Symonds
"Netherwood", The Ridge, Hastings.
30th June ,1947.
Dear J.S.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Many thanks for your letter of no date.
I certainly would like you to come down and see and it is an excellent idea that Lady Harris [Frieda Harris] should drive you.
You can supply the two copies of Olla ordered, and I have one of the Equinox of the Gods which I am sending you by registered post: it is the last copy and the price to booksellers will be two guineas. I do not think I have any of the other books you mention, though Lady Harris may have some of the Little Essays Toward Truth and some of the 8 Lectures on Yoga.
I seem to have heard the name William J. Clarke of California, and have half an idea that I wrote to him some time ago.
Love is the law, love under will.
I hope to see you soon, if possible, next Sunday.
Yours ever,