Correspondence from Frieda Harris to Frederic Mellinger
WEL. 1090 3, Devonshire Terrace, Marylebone High St., London W.1.
Dec. 7th, 1947
Dear Mr. Mellinger,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
You will have heard the sad news, I know how distressed you will be. I do wish you had been able to come to the Cremation. It was so impressive & dignified. Louis Wilkinson read Io Pan [Hymn to Pan] and then portions of the Book of the Law & then the Collects from the Gnostic Mass. The press has been frightful, not one decent word & no understanding. It makes me so angry.
Louis Wilkinson, John Symonds, Germer [Karl Germer] and myself were his Executors & we are trying to find and sort his papers which are chaotic. Did he give you any unpublished M.S. as we are trying to collect at least one complete collection of all his work which will not be understood by this generation.
Most of the documents and his ring are to be sent to the O.T.O. in America.
He was well taken care of. I made him have a nurse about 3 months ago as he was dirty & neglected & he had Watson [Herbert Watson] who was most devoted and the Symonds [Vernon Symonds and Johnnie Symonds] were as nice as they knew how to be. At the last Mrs. McAlpine [Patricia MacAlpine] and the boy [Aleister Ataturk] were there. I saw him the day he died, but he did not recognize me. I think Mrs. McAlpine was with him but she says there was no struggle, just stopped breathing.
I shall miss him terribly.
An irreplaceable loss.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours Sincerely,
Frieda Harris
Are you the head of the order here or was Gerald Gardner I can't find him, I fancy he died?