Meeting Minutes

Agape Lodge





Meeting of Agape Lodge at Burlingame [Ray and Mildred ] Residence, Jan 2, 1948.



Minutes of the last meeting read and accepted. Brother Karl [Karl Germer] sent on a letter from Alexander Watt to the editor of Time magazine, commenting at length on their article which appeared in the Dec. 15 issue. The different members expressed their desire to have a copy of this so sister Gene [Gene Cooper] volunteered to make 10 copies and mail them to Brother Roy. As per brother Karl's letter to brother Roy, we will plan hereafter to send on contributions in the amount of $50 instead of the $100 which has been done in the past.


Brother Roy [Roy Leffingwell] stated that 50% of the dues collected (with the exception of the 9th degree) would be sent on to Grand Lodge and the remaining 50% would be held in the Agape treasury for the purpose of C.A.R.E. packages, postage, etc.


The subject of supplies for the three needy families in Germany which Brother Karl had listed was then discussed. Brother Roy volunteered to have a C.A.R.E. package started for Dr. Von Oldershausen, and Mary Kay [Mary K. Wolfe] and Jane [Jane Wolfe] are arranging to take care of the [illegible] family, leaving the third family with the two children for the rest of the lodge members to care for and food and clothing will be pooled at the Burlingame residence and sent forward as soon as possible.


After designating Jan. 16 as the next astrology meeting, lodge was formally closed.


Gene Cooper,





KG [Karl Germer]

GM [Grady McMurtry]



[O.T.O. Newsletter - Spring 1980]