Meeting Minutes

Agape Lodge





Meeting of Agape Lodge at Burlingame [Ray and Mildred ] Residence, Jan 6, 1948.



Minutes of last meeting read and accepted. Treasurer's report indicated that $50 had been sent on to Brother Karl [Karl Germer], leaving a balance in the treasury of $17.00. Nothing definite or tangible to report on conditions in England as yet.


Next on the agenda was the letter from Lady Harris [Frieda Harris] to Brother Karl regarding momentum of a picture of 666, but the information was rather indefinite until we can learn the cost of the block, etc. which Brother Karl has written for. When this is received, a more definite decision can be arrived at.


Following this, Brother Roy [Roy Leffingwell] read the charge to all members of the Order, jointly and severally, to do what in them lies to watch over and ensure the welfare of Aleister Ataturk, the natural son of the body of Aleister Crowley, in respect of his memory, which was dated May 22, 1947. An interesting letter from Aleister Ataturk's mother also read.


Remarks made on the funeral services of 666 which were carried out as per his wishes, with Louis Wilkinson officiating. Also comments on the misleading statements made by the news press.


Brother Roy stated there were two male members lined up to join the Order at the first opportunity. Sister Mildred [Mildred Burlingame] remarked that Jean Schneider had volunteered the use of their tent for putting on initiations.


A charter to give legal identity to the Order is on the agenda and in process of being taken care of.


After setting Feb. 20 as the next astrology class and Mr. 5 as next lodge meeting, Agape Lodge was formally closed.


Gene Cooper,





KG [Karl Germer]

GM [Grady McMurtry]



[O.T.O. Newsletter - Spring 1980]