Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones





11 February 1948



As you probably know A.C. has died. I am sorting his papers prior to their despatch to America. Your Liber 31 has not survived amongst these papers, though there is a reference to it on page 127 of The Equinox of the Gods. Would you care to send me a copy, which on my death will go to the British Museum with my other Crowleyana. I think it important that one copy of your treatise 31 should exist in this country, as if it does so exist it will be available for anyone sufficiently interested in Liber AL to wish to see it.


Should NEMO still wish to "make black hands white", I shall be glad to send any material from you to John Symonds, who as literary executor to A.C. is writing a Life from the MSS material before it is shipped to America. I doubt however that you have much material, and am not myself personally interested in curing the wound of Amfortas.


Seventeen years ago, when we exchanged a brief correspondence, I decided to do my best to help preserve A.C.'s work for posterity: hence my desire to get a copy of your treatise 31 as it complements Liber AL.


I respect your silence towards the Word and formula received by you in 1926 and make no enquiries in that respect. However should you decide to come out into the open and publish it, I shall be grateful if you will send me a copy.


Yours Truly,


Gerald Yorke.


