Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe





260 West 72nd Street

New York, N. Y.



March 8, 1948



Dear Jane,




Yours of March 4th arrived to-day.—I tell you frankly that if we had Rancho RoyAL, or what remains of it, for us, I would prefer it. Those 50 acres seem indeed barren land; Georgia [Georgia Schneider] says it has the well on it, and not hearing a word or whisper from Roy [Roy Leffingwell], I have had no other place to consider for the proposed H.Q.—for the whole Order, not merely for a Local Lodge. I have to have a place where I can collect all the valuable property of the Order (mostly AA material, but also O.T.O.), and where I cannot be in danger of claims by members who might contest property rights, once material has been stored, buildings erected. I must stand on clear legal grounds.


The 50 acres at Mrs. Miller's are deeded in my name (I wanted it as Treasurer of the Order). Here then I can put my whole weight into developing the property and making within a reasonable time a H.Q. out of it where members and visitors can stay and work.


 Roy's place is unsafe legally ("all must be done well and with business way") and that is the point I have stressed. He has done nothing to redeem his original pledge—neither to A.C., as long as he lived, nor to me, though I gave him all the rope. He has shown himself unreliable: A.C. kept complaining about it, in respect to Roy not writing promised letters, not doing pledged things, not stating frankly the full facts about his Ranch, and leading me by the nose for years, (and A.C.; not writing certain music for which A.C. had been waiting. He has been in arrears for years with his IX° dues.


As a result Roy has not been able to pass on to a certain vital grade in the AA.


Again, to develop his ranch and bring water and electricity there would demand capital investment. I could not assume responsibility, even if I wanted to, without a clear legal basis, as far as I see. I would not be prepared to recommend his 'ranch' on the basis of mere further 'pledges'. A year ago 666 wrote to me (and to Roy) that he was suffering from "swelled head"; that he considered himself as a head of an order instead of being but the head of a local lodge. He seems to be under similar illusions even to-day.


I expect to see him as soon as possible, in fact, I am not starting work on Lenwood before I have not seen it myself.—The trouble is that Agape Lodge has not produced anyone with the Tiphereth stage or beyond (5º=6o of the AA) it seems.


The O.T.O. Constitution is fairly clear. I believe a new O.H.O. ought to be elected. What I am concerned with is the AA material etc. for which I want a safe place, over which I have some sort of control, so that I need not worry constantly that it might be falling under control of people who have not even a faint glimpse of the lofty higher grades.


I feel sorry for Rhea [Rhea Leffingwell]—and very much sympathy; in fact one of my first calls when arriving at Lenwood will be to see her. I have the highest respect for Sascha's [Sascha Germer] crystal clear vision; she likes Rhea too, and sized up Roy, whom she likes, very shrewdly. In fact she remained sceptical about his glowing promises for the G.W. [Great Work] and the ranch, until the bubble broke, and proved her right. While I always expect others to act like myself and accept her words and acts in that sense—and then, when it doesn't come off, am very disappointed and surprised!


Very interesting what you say of this Mary Gardner. I believe I told you months ago that I liked her poems which you sent me, very much. I like the quality, and the contents, and the mood. I can't imagine that Agape Lodge inspired her much. If she would enter the Catholic Church of all churches, she'd probably be doomed. May-be the Gods have a hand in this?


To come back to Roy's letter: I don't quite see what your par[agraph]. 4 means. What is 'third man out' (that he follows WTS [Wilfred T. Smith] and Jack [Jack Parsons] as the third? What means Baphomet's letter puts him 'on the spot'??? I am fully aware of 666's dealings and views on him. Naturally, he as (one of many IX° members has a right to be fully informed on O.T.O. matters, and will be. But I myself have only the vaguest idea myself as to what's what. I know that my T.W. [True Will] has to do with the establishment of 93". At the moment, however, we are all living in a sort of vacuum or interregnum, and we must be patient until the salient material bearing on some of the matters of the AA and O.T.O. have arrived, and are sifted and studied by me. More about this when I have arrived.


I may now send Roy a copy of those Notes that I sent you and which you apparently showed Roy. I should not have mailed them out at all at this time. Matters are not ripe enough. Also I have to deal or contend with some intrigues, of which I have heard, and will know more soon.


Love is the law, love under will.


Fraternally, as ever,




