Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






Parzival 5º=6o   AA

Unto Frater VI 1º=10o   AA



26 March 1948



Care Frater VI,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


I use this 418 name because of its special significance on this day, which is one of further discoveries, or of things long buried and now being resurrected from the past in connection with the New Manifestation. Little did either of us realize when letters were first exchanged what such a simple step would lead to. Even now the way is rather dark and complicated on outer planes.


In July of 1916 Therion wrote: "P.S. You may make typed copies of all letters to you, by me on occult matters, from the start. They'll be wanted for Equinox III." This was done as "Letters Received from AA and O.T.O.", January 1913 to . . . 1916 in a 31-page document, the original of which was sent to Therion. I have the carbon copy. It is complete, except for a few slight deletions from original letters on points Therion expressly said were secret. Have you this among your papers?


This is of course one-sided, it does not include my replies—which are also on hand here. For present historical purposes that may be rather an advantage than not. One perhaps useful point is that all letters show original place from which they were written, so give clues to just where A.C. was during that period: London, New York, Seattle, Vancouver, San Francisco, Chicago, New York, New Hampshire. (It may not elsewhere appear that he was in Vancouver during war time as Bro.[ther] Clifford.)


Certain of these letters were included in my magical record (abridged) which began as Liber 165 in The Equinox III, 1, and was to continue—like The Temple of Solomon the King—in subsequent Numbers. This manuscript, you say, is now lost, so only copy is in files here. It was written up in that form at Therion's request as letters show. It was, however, never intended by me to be headed "Master of the Temple", but the diary of V.I.O. A.C. expressly said (at that time) Master of Temple Grade should never be mentioned, even to AA followers, much less the general public. The publication of only a slight part of diary, then (as M.[agister] T.[empli]), left me under a doubly great handicap. But be that as it may, all works out for the best.


There is one further very important letter which the diary includes but which is not given in document "Letters received" above referred to.


This letter—headed AN XII, Sol in Cancer, Luna in Aries, Ex Domo Beth—begins: "I have got your notes. It is all very satisfactory in its way, and pretty clear. There are still dark spots, however; e.g. C.C. [Charles Chaplin?] I am glad I prophesied of you three and a half years ago [re. becoming M.T.]. I'll make notes as I go on" . . . "Now I think this is all right as far as it goes. But I'm not satisfied about Path of Aleph and such things. It's true that as 8º=3o one gets a sort of look round at the Supernal Triad, but it can only be a glimpse. (Then, suddenly you take 1º=10o all over again—I don't follow.) . . . You will presumably by my magical heir; so I may presently write out my magical Will and Testament, and send you a copy. I would do it now, but have no creative instinct at all these days . . . You should expand your record to some 10,000 words, incorporating the records of the other B.[lessed] B.[rethren] as best you may, and put the whole thing in literary form, intelligible to the average Practicus, if possible to the p.[oor] b.[loody] Neophyte . . . You need a robe of royal blue . . . Perhaps I should bequeath you my own robe."



Θ  9º=2o


The whole of the above letter (which is here abridged) appears in Liber 165—and is the ending of that book.


I quote because of the interesting points following presumably and perhaps in regard to "heir" and "robe". There is no conflict with present outer succession. At that time (1916) the "child" had not been recognized and acknowledged, as was later done. The correspondence which followed shows all that clearly.


The point is, however, that today I got out the typescript of Letters re AA & O.T.O. and thought perhaps I should send it to you to read and copy if you so desired for purpose of record. But this led me to look up the original correspondence of that period to make sure I had all I might send you, together with my replies, on hand. Only then, not having looked at them for many years, did I begin to re-read the extraordinary letters from Therion which immediately followed the last letter of Record above referred to. The contents of those letters I am not likely to send you at this time. They have largely to do with magical succession of Aeons, Tasks, etc. and hopes for the future of the race. And they were written for his magical son's eye alone—as one still views it. Therefore, I did not send you the other letters. For I thought first I should ask you if you had them on file, and secondly say that if not, although I may later send them if you wish, they are not to be taken as in any sense complete, but only as leading up to the REAL stuff which followed . . . and is even NOW continuing.


This brings me to the reference in my last letter to the Qabalistic proof that Nuit's "Manifestation" concealed a correspondence between the Word of 1926 and "The Firstborn". Now, on being led, as above, to look up the old correspondence with my Magical Father, I discover in his letter of An XII, Sol in Leo, Luna in Libra—(from) "The House of the Juggler" (in his own handwriting) the following proof: "I think the 'child' means a real child. But of course you're the first-born of the Aeon, for I ate the pomegranate in Hell, whatever that means—at least I belong in part to the old Aeon, since I began under it."


The above is from a 14-page magical letter the contents of which cannot be made public. But, you know A.C.'s writing well, and if you so desire I will have the above portion reproduced by photostat for record.


The point now is that since at this first Equinox after the passing of A.C. things seem to have come full cycle into some sort of New Manifestation (due, perhaps, to your "invocation" of the "Child" in your "advice" to "Time"), it now appears that both Nuit (as the Mother) and Therion (as the Father), one in cipher and the other openly in writing, have given this child the title: Firstborn, viz: Rashoni, and that, therefore, quite irrespective of the question of Grades in the AA, this should be used as a secret, inner title for Achad whose outer use of that name is long established. This historical fact Saturnus [Karl Germer] (as one has no reason to think he will) cannot deny. Nor can it be denied that the Firstborn (this Good Friday) is still sufficiently alive to attend to things in a business-like manner, look up correspondence, etc. and report the facts (Even if in doing so he is a Fool.)


Yours with fraternal affection,


Parzival = 418, 5º=6o   AA of the AEON.


P.S. Have just re-opened this letter to make note of the following most important considerations:


Liber Legis I.50. Nuit says: "Behold! there are three ordeals in one, and it may be given in three ways. The gross must pass through fire [war?]; let the fine be tried in intellect, and the lofty chosen ones in the highest. Thus ye have star and star, system and system; let not one know well the other!" A.C. complained that one "left" the AA and O.T.O. and took up another system—which he though was a fraud or even one that I had invented myself. But, that other system was (and is) the supreme Intellectual one for those to be tried in intellect. I had both to acquire position in it and to teach it, as part of the triple ordeal. The secret Word of 1926 was designed to link up the Adyton of that system with the others. (Here I am not referring to Collegium Pansophicum.) This other system has supplied my means of support in silence all this time. But it is secret—members of one system, as a rule, know not well the others. A few know a little of each. Achad.


P.P.S. Since our purpose is to try and get a glimpse of some things in their historical order, please note:


Signed Oath of Probationer, under Per Ardua [J.F.C. Fuller], 24th Dec. 1909—An 5, Sol in 2 Deg. Capricorn.


Met A.C. in London on a few occasions shortly afterwards.


First series of letters from AA headquarters Jan. 10, 1913. This series of letters recorded to 1916—as mentioned earlier in this letter.


Letter quoted re. Firstborn was dated "House of the Juggler" (New Hampshire) An. XII, Sol in Leo, Luna in Libra.


If reference now be made to The Equinox III, 1, it will be seen that Khabs Am Pekht, Letter from 666 to his Son, is dated also Sol in Leo, Luna in Libra,  of An. XII. Viz: the epistle was written just at the same time as the letter to me. (It will also be seen that before the "child" had had much chance to do anything on its own account (or in accordance with its Will) 666 lost no time in formulating what he thought it should be expected to do—viz: his Will, more or less. (Not that there is a real and permanent conflict.)


Please note: Achad, as a Neophyte, had before this time—viz: before either he or A.C. had for a moment thought of the "child" of Liber Legis I.55 coming along—identified his Pantacle (Karma) with ABRAHADABRA. For see his Pantacle published in The Equinox III.1, which is an eleven-pointed star with ABRAHADABRA in Hebrew written clear therein as uniting 5 and 6, etc. This Pantacle was designed, finished and mailed September 24, 1914.


Also note: Stepping Out of the Old Aeon and into the New, published without author's name in The Equinox III.1, is Achad's only official AA published message to the world. It was written, as Liber 31 shows, on Sunday, September 15, 1918 and given to A.C. at the time. Note: The typescript of Liber 31, containing Key to Liber Legis, was not delivered to A.C. until September 3 (received by him 4th), 1919, viz: after publication of The Equinox III.1.


Note: In the light supplied by that Key, A.C. wrote the long second set of Commentaries on Liber Legis—showing the old comments from The Equinox Vol. I.7 above and the new comments below. Of these I have the full set. He later decided to reduce to a brief Comment (as distinct from Commentary) which appeared in The Equinox of the Gods.


Note. It was due to the receipt by me of a letter from Secret Chief in Germany [Heinrich Tränker] on death of O.H.O. [Outer Head of the Order] that A.C. was put in touch with that Chief, and was invited to Germany. There he met Saturnus as a result. Saturnus had been translating my books into German—that arrangement was all upset after A.C. got there. After the trumped-up business about a certain stock of books—which was completely cleared up by return of remainder of said books, and a further payment of $500 cash, with a legal Mutual Release in 1926—Saturnus was named, while still in Germany, as the man for my personal followers to write to "until another Grand Neophyte" could be found. But Grand Neophyte was a special title and office on Descending to Malkuth during 1916 Initiation. So no other was found. Therefore, as may be seen, Achad and Parzival and 777 remain on record of Order even in the latest edition The Equinox of The Gods in 1938.


Note: After delivering Key to A.C. in 1919 (viz: Achad having 'proved' himself) he joined another secret order in 1920 [the Universal Brotherhood]. This order eventually supplied the needed world-view for Master of Temple, whose job it is to get hold of such a world-view. This had to do with Intellectual aspect, as before stated, for those to be "tried in intellect".


The apparent break with A.C. (division hither homeward) was in 1926.


By 1929 Achad had mastered the other system, and was admitted by Its Chiefs, on submission of two most abstract treatises on "SPACE" and "TIME". (Corresponding to Nuit and TAU of present revelation.) To separate the Time-Space Continuum and deal with each aspect by itself, showing how it arose in the Great Beginning out of the Eternal, and its special philosophic and scientific functions, is quite a task. These anonymous contributions to the preserved knowledge of the human race in the Great Archives can, if necessary, be supplied in manuscript as proof.


Thus, in 1932, as a result of further Initiation which United all these systems into a greater Synthesis (of one aspect of which A.C. knew nothing—for he was instructed to teach Obeah and Wanga—not the intellectual aspect), the Arising of the Silver Star occurred and was recorded.


The fool understood it NOT and reported finally 1919.


The Silver Star Ordeal and victory was of 1932. He then tried to communicate with A.C.—"Nemo Make Black Hands White"—but was misunderstood. However, a letter can later be quoted written to the LION of the Other Order, which began:


My Beloved Fourth Father


(The First being Our Father in Heaven, the second my father on earth, the Third my Magical Sire and the fourth your self as my Mystical Father).


This letter, although addressed to one known to hold office in Church (as well as having held office in certain Order) clearly dealt with final showing forth of connection between Assumption of Blessed Virgin and Our Lady Nuit, and attempt to right an (apparently) ancient wrong which would thus finally reconcile Michael and Lucifer, To that end, Prometheus needed first to be freed—or, as it was said—the healing of the wound of Amphortas—which Parzival then clearly stated he was setting out to do. Most of this letter (which is full of magical interest) can be shown if necessary for final record.


In 1933 (think it was), anyway at the time of the opening of Century of Progress Exhibition by ray of Light from Arcturus, the Arising of the Golden Star was recorded in special manuscript. Thus establishing the ARCT-AEON (7º=4o Name from Amalantrah). This was definitely described as "The Coming of the Thief in the Night".


Later a DIAMOND Council was formed (after 3rd ordeal).


The intimate sparks came along with ALAMO when the first Atomic test was made. All these things are of record here.




