Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke
30 March 1948
Care Frater V.I.,
The many letters I have sent you form a sequence in reference to events which need recording in my magical diary. This may be done later, but, for the moment, I make you the repository by this means. Hope you don't object.
In my letter of March 15th, page 2, para. 2, I wrote: "However, if what is written in Liber Legis is to be taken as true, I may as well have been over0optimistic in thinking that the Aeon of Truth and Justice is very near at hand—to follow, for example, the death of the Logos" A.C. Liber CCXX, III, 34 does seem to indicate that the Aeon of Horus (and War etc.) continues for centuries. This is not a pleasant outlook." Then I threw some doubt on accuracy of L.[iber] L.[egis]. Since then, however we have received amazing proofs of its accuracy. Let me add this further note in the light of recent discoveries and events.
The coincidence of Palm Sunday with Vernal Equinox, followed by events such as I have described, through Holy Week to Easter Sunday, is an unusual one. It may represent the linking of Old and New into something yet Newer and Older. You will see these implications clearly from correspondence.
I now see, in the new light given me, that Liber CCXX III 34 does not necessarily imply what A.C., and I on March 15th, ascribed to it.
Thus, the word "centuries" primarily means "hundreds"—not necessarily of years, in a subtle document such as L.L. And yet, it has to do with Time.
It can then be shown that this verse does not preclude the interpretation that "the fall of the Great Equinox" may now have taken place, and Hrumachis the double-wanded (see verse 72 re. Abrahadabra) assumed throne and place. This would mean that in future there would be UNDERSTANDING. (A.C. did not want to understand—so he admitted.) On this, please refer to ending of Q.B.L. Appendix. "Hrumachis, which is the Holy Spirit of Truth and Justice."
How can this be? Centuries (hundreds) may refer to those letters of Hebrew Alphabet which represent hundreds and the corresponding Tarot Trumps. Qoph (100) had to do with mystery of Qoph Nia (as explained to A.C.); Resh (200) The Sun—Shin (300) The Spirit, Triple Flame etc., and Path 31—Last Judgment—Dead Rise from Tombs—(Phoenix), etc.; Tau (400) New Revelation—MANIFESTATION—All is in Tau.
Also we might say :Time will Show—and All in Good Time—(the beneficent aspect of Saturn now City of Pyramids Ordeal is over.)
But we may continue with the values of the Final Letters:
KAPH—500—Palm—glyph of PALM SUNDAY coinciding with current Vernal Equinox; first since passing of 666.
MEM—600—Water—Great Sea—Johannine Baptism.
NUN—700—Fish—Link with ISSA'S Period.
TZADDI—STAR or 'NOT TE STAR'—Aquarius—See Path of Tzaddi on newly arranged Tree of Life with explanation in The Egyptian Revival.
Thus end the "centuries"! 1000 = LARGE ALEPH (111 — AUM).
All these final form "centuries" may have passed during the one Week from PALM to EASTER Sunday 1948—continuing as it were, TIME, but much speeded up by New Current. Perhaps "Time lag" now corrected.
These are just notes which are quite significant in relation to recent Initiatory developments. Whether the cleaning-up applies to the larger issue of HUMANITY—Time will Show! This at least indicates that War and Vengeance period MAY be over.
Yours very fraternally,
P.S. ERRATA. Mine of March 17. Page 3, Para 2: Sorry made error re 106 (trying to be funny in a hurry) 106 = Attained; 281 = Crown—Ashes.
Mine March 26, page 5 near end: (after 4th. Ordeal) should read (after 3rd. ordeal).