Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones





30 March 1948



Dear  Jones,


Your 24/3/48. Until Liber 31 arrives I cannot make sense of all this, perhaps I never shall as the qabala is not my line of country.


I have sent the original of Liber Legis to Saturnus [Karl Germer]. The registration number of the packet was L.4152 or 24 x 173. The date 22/3/48, the post office Crawford Street W.1. I expect you will be able to fit this into your calculations. I am keeping the original for my 666 scrap book.


I have written to Saturnus giving him your address and urging him to send you a copy of the Will—I have not got one—and telling him that so few genuine followers of the old boy exist that this is a perfect moment to heal the old feuds. I do hope that he responds. If he does not, a gesture from you might easily do the trick. His address is 260 West 72nd Street, New York 23, N.Y. It is childish that you should only be in touch indirectly through me, and that the genuine though possibly misguided followers in California, etc should not be in a position to judge of Liber 3. Why should they be denied the work of the child; why should they be denied the knowledge that LOVE ALONE REIGNS IN ESSENCE and also in MANIFESTATION?




Gerald Yorke.


