Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






5 April 1948



Dear Yorke,


Your note of 30/3/48 to hand this a.m. Splendid! Everything working out on proper "time" schedule. But note re. Liber 31 and Germer [Karl Germer]. Should this be sent it will raise a question of "grades" which may cause further complications rather then simplification. Let this wait for the right moment—which may not be for some time yet. Copy of my letter March 29 together with your advice already sent Germer, may just do the trick and produce basis of harmony. Hope so!


A new angle! Have you any record among A.C.'s notes of IX Op[eratio]ns of attempt to "beget" other "child" about 25 Nov. 1933? (Know he was still "hopeful" in 1936.)


We did let ourselves (and others) into something this "trip", didn't we?






P.S. Good thing you're on holiday. Hope not interfered with too much. J.


