Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Karl Germer





10 April 1948



Dear Germer,


Your 5/4/48. Symonds [John Symonds] writes that he has had your letter about change of address for the shipment and has notified the shippers accordingly. The change should save money. A.C.'s self portrait is I think with the few pictures and drawings in John Symonds' flat. I am not sure what their plan is with regard to them. I suggest you write to Louis Wilkinson and ask for them. Wilkinson and Frieda [Frieda Harris] have I think given away the watches and fountain pens. Bailey [James Gilbert Bayley] had something and a man at Hastings [Herbert Watson] who nursed the old boy at the end also had something. Louis can tell you.


Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones] writes me as follows:

There is a further point which has occurred to me. I have not been in receipt of the Word of the Equinox from A.C. for a number of years. Has Saturnus [Karl Germer] the means for the pronouncement of such Words? I do not know. But what about this present Vernal Equinox which is upon us now? There is, by extraordinary "chance" so to speak, a "spare" word of this nature which dates back to March 21st 1920. If the AA is going into Silence, perhaps it should be used as the last word—as it connects up with the last words of my tribute to A.C. As such, through you, I offer it to Saturnus and the brethren of the AA


On one occasion only did Frater Achad do a magical operation at the Equinox to obtain an extra Word, before receiving and transmitting to the Brethren the regular one from Therion. Achad's diary reads as follows:


March 21—Vernal Equinox—An XVI Sol in Aries.


The Word of the Equinox as received by Frater O.I.V.V.I.O. at 5. P.M.—Detroit—during Op.[eration] with S.[oror] R.[ubina] [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] is: LOVE, Which is the Law, whose numeration is 111. (AMO=Love=111) also as AHBH 13=AchD=Unity.


And this is the True Name of a Magus for the Magus is Love, also it is a true Word for the Magus is the Word. Therefore now will I direct this Word to the six dimensions of Space—to the Universe, including all the Brethren, Amen.


(The regular word from Therion at that time was received on April 13. It was OCELLI. Seems to add to 165)

This is extraordinary in view of the projected publication of Liber Aleph—111, now left in the hands (apparently) of Saturnus although the manuscript was written for and given to A.C.'s Son.


     Achad then says: "Let this word LOVE be the keynote of this present Vernal Equinox in memory of the old A.C. and in the full knowledge and faith that Love is stronger than Death."


I do hope that you accept this suggestion of Achad. If you have not already received and promulgated a Word of your own, I think is just, proper and appropriate that a Word spoken by A.C.'s magical child, and while they were still in close accord, should be promulgated at the Vernal Equinox after his death and during which it is hoped that Liber Aleph will be published.




Gerald Yorke.


Copy to C. Stansfeld Jones.


P.S. In another letter from Jones received this morning he writes:


The passing of Aleister Crowley on Dec. 1st 1947, might from one aspect be considered as a Mutual Release on the magical as well as the objective planes. If such is (by view of Almighty God) the case and one called Saint Edward Aleister Crowley is destined to pass on to well-earned and needed rest, then R.I.P.


But, as his Magical Son, in the sense of Liber Legis, I do not feel that any link has been broken—rather, to use a phrase of his, that we should keep on Loving and Trusting.


The world and the press may think and feel that A.C.'s life was a failure. He was branded as an evil man—certainly no Saint.


But the objective fact remains that I dedicated my book The Egyptian Revival to "My Magical Sire—the Prophet of the Aeon." And I included part of one of his poems from The Ship, signed Saint Edward Aleister Crowley. It is then perhaps my duty to show eventually that I knew another aspect of A.C.—a Fine one—and that in this New Aeon of Truth and Justice this, too, should be given to the world. Many of his dealings with me, as His Son, proved him to be other than the type of man which the press of the world has passed judgment upon.


It is my belief that in essence the soul of every man and woman is Good, Beautiful and True. As Liber Legis has it: "Every Man and Every Woman is a Star"! To this I add: Time will show!


In view of the above, surely the breach should be closed.


Gerald Yorke.


