Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones





10 April 1948



Dear  Jones,


Your 19/3/48 with Liber 31, your 2/4/48 recording the incoming of your new Aeon of Truth and Justice, and 4/4/48 giving further details, all received this morning.


I enclose copy of a letter to Germer [Karl Germer] recommending his to issue your Word, if he has not already got out a Word of his own, which I doubt, as I do not think magically he is qualified to do so.


Ref page 2 of your 19/3/48. I am certain that the AA no longer exists as a hierarchy properly so called. Page 3. A.C. putting Satan before all other Gods, was not a later development, it was done by him first as a schoolboy, as is shown in Vol. I of his Confessions [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley]. Saturnus [Karl Germer] and Co. will not, I think, look for a lost word, as they will take A.C.'s word to be Thelema, as he did, maintaining that it was uttered before he attained the grade of Magus, but not appreciated by him until he so attained. Whether your Word came into being as the Word of a New Aeon at 1.11 P.M. on 2 April 48, I am not in a position to judge. To me the qabalistic facts you mention are curious, but not in themselves convincing enough for so important a matter. I cannot judge of your Word without your account of the initiatory experience in and through which you received it. I gather that you do not think that this Word become operative at the moment of pronouncement, because you date the start of the New Aeon of which it is the Word 2/4/48 solely on the time at which you happened to finish writing your account of your position. I should have thought more than this was required. Time however will show. It is however almost impossible to gather a true impression of a revelation in qabalistic references scattered through various letters, P.S. and P.P.S. and small afterthoughts pinned to the top of a letter. Do please send me the complete document when you write it up as you did in Liber 31.


Liber 31 is to me completely convincing. The world above the Abyss consists of opposites conjoined in harmony. This can be understood and makes sense when experienced, but is nonsense when expressed in words or in writing. Liber 31 puts it better than I know if elsewhere.


There are certain rather close correspondences with the Hindu Yoga systems on which I am working at the moment.


P.19. They are insistent on the point of light in the breast. P.20. The conjunction of Hadit-Nuit—Al-La!!! takes place in Sahasrara, when Hadit (Kundalini) is raised from Muladhara (Malkuth) to Kether (Sahasrara).


P.23. Your AL ingoing and LA outgoing breath, and your 'Holy Mystery of the Silent Breath', is duplicated in one of the Pranayamas by means of which Soham and Hamsa are equilibrated.


I am writing first impressions without any text books. I look forward to receiving The Chalice of Ecstasy. I will send you a copy of part of the Amalantrah working on my return to London, as you do not seem to have it.


You mention Liber 151 QNA, copy of which was submitted to A.C. in 1936. This has not survived amongst his papers, though your letters to him did survive. Ought not I to have a copy from the historical point of view and for inclusion with Liber 31, etc."




