Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel
(Original filed—2 carbons Yorke and Handel)
Aeon of Truth and Justice.
An I. Sol in Aries. Luna in ? [4 April 1948]
My two faithful witnesses and Fellow Stars,
The Aeon of Truth and Justice, the incoming of which was recorded at 1.11 P.M., April 2, 1948, was duly declared in writing to five of the Brethren in letters written on that day and posted April 3, 1948—besides letters and reports sent you by registered air mail on that day.
I would have you notice that April 2 was a Friday—the Day of Venus as also of the Hebrew Sabbath which continued until yesterday.
Since then I have had further cause to Wonder at the Infinite Wisdom of the Supreme Being as recorded in Liber Legis as well as in former scriptures, and certain Revelations since, which include the books Q.B.L, The Egyptian Revival, The Anatomy of the Body of God, The Chalice of Ecstasy and Hymns to the Star Goddess, and recent correspondence between us.
Be it noted that Liber Legis was delivered April 8, 9, 10 in the year 1904. We are still, in year 43 since that time, which Number means: "Great—to rejoice!", and "Hazel, Almond" referring to "rod" or "wand". Let us therefore Rejoice! On reaching 44 this coming April anniversary of the writing of Liber Legis we find that it is a number representing, among other things, AQUARIUS the New Age.
There is always in these mysterious Cycles a certain Time difference, because circles do not meet and become closed, nut rather continue actively in spirals. Thus the writing of Liber Legis was a little after the Spring Equinox of 1904, and the Incoming of this Aeon of Truth and Justice a little before the Anniversary of the Equinox of the Gods. Thus a progress in Perfecting is maintained in Time, rather than the arrival at a Static Perfection. Also there is, as it were, a travelling backwards into the Past, while yet each event progresses into a new Future. We live at a mathematical point called Now in Time and Here in Space—but it can never be captured and made static; it is Ever-Coming.
And so, if we sometimes appear to jump backwards or forwards in Time is it not surprising—though often to be wondered at.
There were fresh revelations only this morning, the nature of which I will now briefly indicate to you, for they should be of historic record in writing. They are of a Qabalistic nature, but objective facts easily observed by reference to printed books, and my former correspondence of recent date. I will therefore go back a little way in order to show time sequence more clearly.
Having made certain discoveries in regard to new keys to Liber Legis in regard to the word MANIFESTATION, I immediately reported this in a letter of March 24, 1948. I further wrote you both on April 2nd showing that the numeration of this Word is 257 and that one of the correspondences to that number shown in The Equinox I. No. 8—Sepher Sephiroth—is to Psalm XXV v.14 (Both the numbers XXV and 14 have deep significances, which see): "The Secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him, He will shew them His Covenant."
In my letter of April 2nd accompanying the copy of document announcing the incoming of the Aeon of Truth and Justice, I showed the "chance" correspondence of the time of the ending of the writing of that document to be of great significance as corresponding to the Number 351—an also connections with 352 and 353.
But I did not notice at that time, or until last night, that the Number 353 corresponds to exactly the same verse of Psalm XXV, 14. (Number 257 only indicating the words "To His Fearers" and 353 the whole verse.) This gave me complete confirmation of the linking of the new revelation of Liber Legis with the Sacred affairs of the Past and of the exact moments of the Incoming of the Aeon of Truth and Justice—foreseen a quarter of a century ago—see last words of Q.B.L. published in 1923.
It was not until this morning that I noticed the further implication of the Number 351, viz: that it corresponds to "Moses the Initiator". This I at first interpreted as if it were in Time, and that Moses represents (again) the Initiator in the Mysteries to follow the Fall of the Great Equinox. (Liber Legis III.34.) This might appear as if Moses had, as it were, knocked out the "Gods of the Egyptians" and was about to restore the Truth and Justice and Old Law of Jehovah.
(It is obvious that events in Palestine are now to the fore and the bone of contention in current history. This, therefore, looked like a complete victory for the Jews—or Hebrews. Also in regard to Therion, see verses 53 and 54 of Chapter II: "But I will hide thee in a mask of sorrow: they that see shall fear thou art fallen: but I will lift thee up". (54) "Nor shall they who cry aloud their folly that thou meanest nought avail . . . " See also my letter of April 2nd and document of the Incoming of the Aeon that he is to be justified—which can now be shown.)
Later this morning, however, this most extraordinary PROOF was supplied of the LINK between the Liber Legis revelation and this present Time of Rejoicing.
Liber Legis, Chapter I v.49, says: "Let Asar [Egyptian] be the adorant, Isa [Jesus' representative] the sufferer; Hoor in his secret name and splendour is the Lord Initiating." Also, Chapter III v.74, R.[a] H.[oor] K.[huit] says "There is a splendour in my name hidden and glorious". This "name" and "splendour" IN the name of R.H.K. is then Hoor—the Lord Initiating.
But what is Hoor in his secret name and splendour? It can be shown as follows:
Who, then is responsible for the writing of Liber Legis and the War and Vengeance foretold therein?
Hoor, as Horus, the God of War? For "Vengeance" see Exodus Chapter 32. (32: The coalescence of Macroprosopus and Microprosopus as AHIHVH!)—Also see Liber 151 QNA—copy of which submitted to A.C. 1936—which shows meaning of Jealous God—God of Love, and has name QNA—the key to Coph Nia—which in reverse is ANQ—ANKH—Tree of Life, and symbol of Venus—seat of Achad.—Unity and Love the Old and the New Law combined.
I salute you with affection as a man and a brother.
Deem not of change! Wisdom says: Be strong!