Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






13 April 1948



Dear Yorke,


I got your letters of April 7 & 9 yesterday. Meanwhile had a letter from Germer [Karl Germer] as a result of a letter to him from Handel [Albert H. Handel]. Wrote and said he had better wait until he had had other letters on the way to him before contemplating a meeting here—which he had suggested.


I'm not going to answer points in detail here—will do so later. But there are two points I want to take up. (1) Your further reference to 'Word' (2) Your mention of "healing breach in Order" as if accomplished to you as man to man.


Now I'm going to talk to you as man to man.


You say "A.C. I think concluded that spiritually you [I] had gone wrong when you [I] announced to him that you [I] had discovered a new word which you were not revealing even to him." That may be so—or it may not. Who understood A.C.'s motives?


Here are some facts to face. In An XII (1916), Sol in Cancer, Luna in Pisces, just after he found that he could get his full 9º=2o he claimed was due to him, Therion wrote: "I'm still 'in profundis'. I wrote an essay on God being a Sadist two days ago, and yesterday went through a magical ceremony; but nothing seems to revive me. I can't learn to wait for the Word properly. I believe if I could only do that for ten minutes the Word would come. Yet it is written: 'To await Thee is the End . . . etc.' ".


Now you have told me that A.C. never did pronounce a Word—for the simple reason that he never got one of his own to pronounce. That probably means he never was a true M.T. [Magister Templi] either.


But see what he writes in One Star in Sight re. those (such as O.M.) who are 7º=4o in Jupiter—the Sphere of Authority in AA:


     He must then decide upon the critical adventure of our Order; the absolute abandonment of himself and his attainments. He cannot remain Indefinitely an Exempt Adept; he is pushed onward by the irresistible momentum that he has generated.


Should he fail . . . etc. He may indeed prosper for a while, but in the end he must perish, especially when with a new Aeon a new word is proclaimed which he cannot and will not hear, so that he is handicapped by trying to use an obsolete method of Magick, like a man with a boomerang in a battle where everyone else has a rifle.


     A.C. knew that one had dared the Abyss and the Ordeals and that some part of him might be in the City of the Pyramids. I doubt if even he realized that one must spend a full Cycle of Saturn there in order to become a Master of the Temple. He never did so. But, in any event, think what might have happened had one not voluntarily retired to Malkuth in 1916 and not claimed any higher grades at all! Therion let the hierarchy break down—and might well have left his "son" nicely in the Abyss—or Buried in the Pyramids—for ever—so far as he was concerned.


But now, by his Will, A.C. seems to have put Saturn in the position of authority in AA That is, whether he earned it or not, he has been thrust into something equivalent to 7º=4o. There is a Word! Saturnus [Karl Germer] has not got it from A.C. because A.C. had not got it to give. Now there is a New Aeon also, and if he goes ahead at all he'll be "trying to use an obsolete method of Magick". What a hell of a position to be left in.


Seeing this clearly (although he may not realize it), in order to be just and try to remedy the situation if possible (it depends of course on his Karma), will you please try to understand how careful I must be (and you must be) in dealing with him and it. Unless he shows himself (voluntarily) quite fair and just, and is "willing to take my word", so to speak, for things he doesn't understand, without a lot of explanation (for he has adopted the formula "argue not . . . talk not overmuch"), viz: if he insists in pushing ahead with "business" or "building shrines" or what not and using his "authority" to lead people in certain directions (wrongly?), it looks as if he might be "in the soup". Please don't try to push him, therefore (or me) and don't let your hobby of "putting things in museums" cause you to forget that we are dealing with living beings, and we don't want to see one of them stuck in a bloody Museum in the Abyss as an example.


Do you "get me" Brother, as the Americans say?






(Am still hoping to throw a better light on A.C. than given above.)


P.S. After you get all my letters (a couple of them went slow mail) please put them in proper order of dates and then study carefully.




