Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke
17 April 1948
Dear Yorke,
Have just received your letter of 13/4/48 with Times Review enclosed. You made a fine job of it. Have just asked book store by 'phone to keep me a copy when it comes in, in about 3 weeks time. May I keep yours till then? It should be in my files.
So glad you liked The Chalice of Ecstasy. You might like to note that first bomb dropped on Berlin during last war fell on Opera House. The stage was set for Parzival and after bombing the "Cup" remained standing—but exposed. Siegfried Wagner, to whom I sent copy on publication, wrote and told me his father was never a Qabalist—but that only showed, he said, that Truth would out; or words to that effect. The Parzival formula (and ordeals), so far as I am concerned probably came to an end (or a new start) about last Good Friday, when I wrote—There is Success—and things began to clear up which had been in darkness so long. You will remember I said: This I accept—and then got on with my job.
No, I have never had short commentary on Vision and the Voice—is one available?
Thanks for remarks about "child", tomb of Rosencreutz, and Tränker [Heinrich Tränker]. These things all part of that which time will clear up. There's so much to explain—that's the trouble.
In regard to your penultimate paragraph re Aeon of T.[ruth] and J.[ustice], etc.—this is very important. Please take note.
I have never claimed to be a Magus. (I might temporarily have become one in 1920 when I proclaimed that word "Love" which we now suggest using for current Equinox. If so, it was an 'accident' or 'chance' so to speak). If this New Aeon is what it seems to be, it will have lifted the Curse of Magus and destroyed the Glamour and Lies and Madness of the Supernal Paths. That would leave One in Daäth—and represent real Attainment— the becoming one with Those Who Know. The word of Equinox at time (1915) "child" was begotten on Hilarion [Jeanne Foster], happened to be Sol-Om-On—so A.C. told me afterwards. Perhaps there is a child of wisdom and understanding combined; and with the destruction of the works of the Magician, the Darkness of Great Sea and City of Pyramids and Silence of M.T. is also over. The aeon of M.A.A.T. is said to be that of Master of the Temple of A∴A∴ and of MAAT Lady of Truth.
But the true A∴A∴ is a system of Scientific Illuminism. Preaching has been tried—and failed. Have always to proceed with Firm Correctness by Way of Tao—"All is in Tao"! The Taoist does not have to preach—things just happen! By chance, if you will. (The Taoist was supposed to throw a blot of ink—and it turned out to be a picture.)
I'm throwing out a lot of typescripts at you and others; perhaps some sort of picture will emerge. Give it time!
Remember, too (or learn), that every action (such as typing this letter) is forever recorded on the AETHER in a long scroll as the earth revolves, and goes round the sun, and so on. This can be re-read but never effaced. IDEAS also go on working and IMPOSING themselves on events and people. One doesn't need to preach. How should one reach the whole of humanity (instantaneously) by that method?
But it is important to Broadcast the RIGHT stuff—or terrible harm may result. See the first words of AFFIRMATION (Vital Message) I sent you: "I am part of the MANIFESTATION of the Infinite Being, etc." This is TRUE. One cannot be a Part of God—The Infinite Being—because the Infinite has no parts. If one claims to BE God, one destroys Him (or cuts Him off), because that reduces the Plenum to Finitude. But the whole Universe is Finite; and it is the MANIFESTATION of the Plenum. We are both parts of the Universe—for it has parts, being finite. So each is truly a PART of the MANIFESTATION—although not of God.
But the AFFIRMATION, which is our Only Weapon, shows that KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM and POWER should ONLY BE SOUGHT for the SAKE OF Unity, Beauty, Truth, Goodness and Love. If power, especially, is sought with lesser motives, the "powerful" one is sure to be overcome in the end—and possibly destroyed. He will find he has built on sand instead of Rock. (And note that 44 also means "sand".) There is a mystery there. Also note (and calculate if you can the further odds) that while the ending of The Anatomy of the Body of God showed that the proportions in final reckoning turned out to be as 13 is to 31, so this 44, which produces testimony of "Three Witnesses" of scripture to prophesy of Q.B.L., is the addition of 13 to 31—44. Also see ending of The Chalice of Ecstasy re. 31, etc. Can you account for it—other than as a result of "factor infinite and unknown"? I certainly cannot.
If I was led—all unwittingly—to take the most sacred Names of God—AL and ACHAD—far be it from me to take His Name in Vain. I have tried to love God these many years, and to FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM by sheer will—always trying to love Him MORE than the woman I happened to be in love with. My intelligence tells me that He must be more loveable than any of His creatures, however beautiful. I wrote XXXI Hymns to the Star Goddess—and loved Her. I fell in love with the Blessed Virgin and became her Slave. But always, since I have understood, trying to put the "Unknown Plenum of All Perfection" FIRST—as commanded to do by Moses and Christ. After that, the neighbour is loved, not with one's own love but with GOD'S—for what it there left if the First Commandment of Agapé be obeyed—joyfully and willingly?
The Infinite Being DOES ALL TINGS without any effort whatsoever. The greatest works are done with the least possible degree of effort. Thus preaching is not required if one has a better formula. The Taoists say: "Do nothing by personal will and everything will be done for you if the Infinite will" or words to that effect. Then one does what THOU wilt—without effort—for at such times one is CONVERTED towards God and not AVERTED from him. At any moment each one of us may be either. Either we desire to know and love God—or we do not. That's where C.I.H.U. [Church in Holy Unity] splits the whole human race, moment by moment, into two camps. One day one is in one—another in another. Sometimes one hardly knows which. But always there must be people who are true members. They can never be listed or registered. It is not necessary. Nor will preaching help much—for the FACT remains:
THE CHURCH IN HOLY UNITY The Assembly of those who are united by the common desire to know and love God.
It's as simple as that. It is to that ASSEMBLY I now try primarily to belong, and that is the only Church to which I now subscribe—without money and without price. The sole idea is: Give God a Chance for Once—instead of one's pet idol.
So I'm preaching a sermon after all—I didn't mean to make myself a liar, perhaps that's a trace of the old man in me.
The Cuckoo laid several eggs and had more than one nest—but just now (as announced to A.C.) I'm a blooming Woodpecker.
Let's give this thing a chance to work out in its own way. It's being put on record. If needed on the physical plane the records will survive and be made proper use of. If destroyed—well they can't destroy the records on the aether.
By the way, I suggested that I would copy out that long section of Magical Diary about "Not Talking". I did two pages but it became an "effort" and I stopped. Only when things flow freely and easily with minimum of effort should they be continued. You may have to wait some time for that record, but you'll get it if the right time comes along.
Yours in Unity and Love.
P.S. To be made publicly known simply sets up opposition or idolatry and trouble results—as in the past. Please be careful.