Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones
13 April 1948
Dear Jones,
Many thanks for The Chalice of Ecstasy, which is truly excellent. I am most grateful for it, as one cannot apparently buy it over here.
On re-reading your letters, I find I have not answered your query of 5/4/48 re. attempt to "beget" another "child" about 25/Nov/33. I have not found any reference, in any of A.C.'s diaries which I have seen, to the begetting of a magical child. There are frequent mentions in the diaries of IX° operations to start a new current, to spread the Law, to establish Ra-Hoor-Khuit, etc., but none to the actual begetting of a magical child. I will however on my return to London look up his diary for Nov. 1933 and let you know id there are any significant entries. About 1936 he did sire Aleister Ataturk his last physical child.
Have you the short commentary on The Vision and the Voice? I expect so. From memory the comment of that part of the 13th Aethyr which you quote in The Chalice of Ecstasy has some bearing on the subject which interests you so personally; but I am not sure and I have not my books down here.
Your 7/4/48. A.C.'s Will of 22/12/31 reads: "I direct my Executor to take the necessary steps to ensure that my body is embalmed in the ancient Egyptian fashion and then treated as nearly as possible like that of Christian Rosenkreutz as described in book The Equinox I.3, but if my body be disfigured, damaged or mutilated then I direct my Executor to have it cremated and the ashes preserved in an Urn and kept as stated in The Equinox I.5 Supplement [The Vision and the Voice]. The place should be either (a) the broad ledge on the cliff behind Boleskine House, Scotland (b) the top of the rock at Cefalù, Sicily, about the bath of Diana (c) Westminster Abbey." In his last and valid Will he cut this down to consigning his ashes to Saturnus [Karl Germer]—which in my opinion was more appropriate.
I look forward to receiving the typescript of letters 1913-1916. I will copy them and return them within a week of receipt.
Thanks for correcting me historically re Tränker [Heinrich Tränker]. Part of A.C.'s incomplete correspondence led me to suspect there was evidence that Tränker took papers and seals from Reuss's [Theodor Reuss] widow, and that he had not been given X° during the lifetime of Perigrinus [Theodor Reuss]. I know enough of A.C. never to accept an adverse opinion of his about a third party until I have seen the other side.
I only hope that you are right about the Aeon of Truth and Justice being manifested on 2 April 1948. I do not like, and have never liked, the violence of Liber Legis and the Aeon of Horus. If you are proclaiming the new word as a Magus, I do not see how you can continue in silence, surely 'NOT Talking' has to proclaim the glad news from the housetops. The mere fact that I do not like the Aeon of Horus, makes me more cautious than ever not to accept Truth and Justice as a wish fulfilment. You have not given me enough material on which to form a satisfactory judgement. To my mind you should at once start to write your own account of how you came to formulate the word; i.e. your full account of your various initiations and ordeals, with a qabalistic supplement, and a short treatise on the new word. I think you would be wrong to maintain that in this instance the Cuckoo who laid the egg should not hatch it out because the nest was another's. If all existing formulae are old and worthless, and workings obsolete, surely you should correct the matter as soon as possible? Historically I know of no Magus who did not preach his Word. It is only by preaching and the test of Time that it is proved. If you hide it under a bushel it is wasted and may be lost. I enclose copy of a review of mine just published by the Times Literary Supplement, which under the guise of a review partly reveals my thoughts on this matter. Could you please return it after reading. If I had known of your Word at the time of writing I would have added a sentence to the effect that a living member of the Order has vibrated his word, but has not yet seen fit to issue it to the world.
I shall be about another two years on the book which I am writing on Yoga, and will then in all probability return to the Western modes of expression as given out by you and A.C.