Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones
27 April 1948
Dear Jones,
Your 22/4/48. As I thought there is actually no such word in classical Greek as ALALIA. ALALAI is however an expression of joy, and ALALE is a war cry. LALEIN means primarily to make a babbling prattling noise as monkeys or dogs, as opposed to LEGEIN, to talk. This is why I am always inclined to mistrust your and A.C.'s qabala. Too often it is unscholastic and you take an approximation or else invent a word because it adds up right, whilst Gematria often leads to unscholastic coincidence. Are you justified in saying that ALALIA means not talking in Greek, when in fact there is not such word in Greek? It is true that had there been such a word it would have meant "not talking", but that is not the same thing. ALALOS does however mean dumb.
I found by chance the other day that ISSA is the Arabic for Jesus, but why use the Arabic form suddenly? A.C. was always doing that sort of thing.
Why do you not accept THELEMA as A.C.'s word? You accept the formula involved, but deny him the word.
ANTI-CHANCE is such a bastard word, cannot you get a genuine word in good English to replace it?
In this letter it would appear that the Aeon of Horus is still in being, and that the Aeon of MAAT has not yet been made MANIFEST. Do clear this up for me, as I understood from previous letters that you had announced the Aeon of MAAT, and that the rituals of the Aeon of Horus were already out of date. I have difficulty in accepting that the Aeon of Horus has already been worked out, when in fact it has hardly been worked at all. Would that it were worked out. Please clear up this point for me. Which current are you working, that of the Aeon of Horus or that of the Truth and Justice of MAAT? If the latter, surely you are wrong to go on working with Liber Legis, which is the Book of the Law of the Aeon of Horus. Surely you will have to receive a new revelation if the Aeon of Maat has in fact begun. Yet you continue to work with The Book of the Law. I should have thought that to mix Aeons was as dangerous and misleading as to mix planes. Please enlighten me. Sorry for so Captious a letter.
If the word which you have revealed to seven people is the key word for Liber Legis, surely it is the key word for the Aeon of Horus, and is already outdated in the Aeon of Maat. If so you need another word now. If on the other hand this Word is the Word of the Aeon of Maat, surely Thelema must have been the Word of the Aeon of Horus, as historically each historically successful system has had its word. You seem to want it both ways. But perhaps I have misunderstood you. Nothing is so difficult as to understand through letters when personal contact is impossible.