Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Karl Germer






28 April 1948



Dear Germer,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


I've been pushing ahead, or rather trying to keep things up-to-date as they occurred. Today I sent you a brief reconciliation statement between Aeons of Horus and Ma. Also you have the new symbol, as above. This should save you a lot of time and questions. The next thing is to get down to business. My cards are on the table; you can open up a bit if you want to.


There's the matter of A.C.'s Will you haven't yet attended to, also shall be glad to hear what you have to say about the "book" deal, and the information I gave you after hearing of Schneider's [Max Schneider] death. Then there's O.T.O. that will have to be faced sometime.


So far as AA is concerned: Have you a grade therein that you worked for and took the regular way? If so, what is it? How many of your followers hold official AA grades? Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] was under me, so I knew he had early ones. Hope to hear of him through you as requested. Yorke [Gerald Yorke] has a grade. Handel [Albert H. Handel] has not. Nor has Dr. Kowal [John Kowal], in AA; nor—as you know—A. Watt [Alex Watt]. Yorke has a couple of Probationers. I don't know about Jane Wolfe. Anyway, through death or otherwise, A.C. let the hierarchy break down and there is no proper Catena. What's to be done with the remains?


So far as Thelema and Liber Legis are concerned the Way seems clearly to have opened up—there is no break but a true continuation and further manifestation. That I have in various proportions shown you and others as events took place, with the connection supplied today to you, Handel and Yorke.


What next needs immediate consideration is to what extent, if any, is it necessary to supply details of these recent events to those who have not so far received any. I shall work my side of that out as I go along, and you will doubtless give the matter consideration, so far as it may effect your past or future plans, and the information is available to you.


So far, things stand as follows: Yorke has practically all the details for historical record but no permission to transmit them to others. Handel has considerably less, but under the same terms. You have somewhat less than Handel. Smith very much less—if he received papers—but possibly one paper you have not got. Dr. Kowal a few details, which interest him more in another connection. This applies to a number of other people who have received brief notices but little or no detail. It includes Mr. A. Watt who merely received a notice similar to that sent you on April 6th and has not acknowledged it. All responses have been favourable; some people of course skeptical at first, but who now show signs of understanding.


I have no wish to suggest any course other than your true will so far as you are concerned. Nor is there question of authority. One of the troubles of the past seems to me that the AA was set up to allow for Authority—at least in Grade 7º=4o, Chesed, into which A.C. claims to have been "cast" after crossing the abyss—and that when Thelema was introduced there was a tendency for him to expect others to do his will instead of working out their own destinies. This, of course, produced friction in any but the "yes" men. I don't know to what extent A.C.'s "will" placed you in a position of "authority", but should like to caution "beware".


The way things have worked out leaves the Manuscript of Liber Legis, and its contents and other implications, as important as ever—if not more so. Therefore your trusteeship, and plans in that respect, should not be at all affected by recent events and changes. The folding-up, so to speak, of the old AA system should make your task much lighter—for the old order could never again have been restored. There is, however, every provision for a New Order of that nature, based on revised Paths, should it be necessary to work along those lines. In that case all concerned will find themselves on fresh ground—which is as it should be.


For the moment, however, the best place to be seems to be in Malkuth—the Kingdom—which is that of the Daughter where the simple perceptions and feelings need to be more fully and well developed. The Intellect and Love [?] of the Son must be completely provided for—the fine shall be tried in intellect; and many have had this training over a number of years in a very special manner. These, perhaps, now need a little more "fire" to warm them up—although one may not know well the other.


It is possible that on working out your position in regard to your followers you might, under present circumstances consider the introduction of Comenius and Kraise's Intellectual system to supply this need. However, there is the symbol of the Rad "in its failure" to bear in mind and what interpretation should be placed on Liber Legis in that respect. That is for you to think out.


Since, according to my interpretation of this change, it remains true that "The Law is for all" and "Thelema" still operative—despite changes in Words and Officers and Rituals—there seems very little that has occurred which might change your past plans for publishing etc. and getting a proper place for storage and work.


If it is necessary for a number of fresh people really to understand the historic significance of all this, it will be as necessary as ever that they have text-books of both old and new systems, and study both in order to compare them. Certain scientists may find it worth while to become Qabalistic students when things progress in due course. This also may apply to certain religionists. So there will be much to be done. The Equinox of the Gods as a book will have even added value, and so on.


Therefore, so far as I can see, things seem to have taken a turn for the better, both for you and myself and the others engages in the more specialized workings—as well as, let us hope—for Humanity and the World in General. All in Good Time! I hope you agree.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours in Love and Unity,




