Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






3 May 1948





Your 27/4/48 to hand.


I draw no cabalistic inference from ALALIA in my letter—but had good reason to refer to the word in that form. I was not justified in saying that ALALIA means 'not talking' in Classical Greek. Thanks! I was justified in using word which appears in 12 Volume Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia, my error lay in not giving etymology (NL., Gr. as if αλαλία, not talking: see Alalus). Alalus is also (NL., Gr. αλαλος); the word was used by Haekel for purpose indicated.


Used term "Ise". A.C. said it meant Jesus. He apparently was right. If you want to know why Arabic form was used you should ask Aiwass.


I am not responsible for modern scientists, such as du Noüy, having introduced the term Anti-chance into their literature. It's just too bad. I call it God.


I consider the Aeon of Ma continues from that of Horus.


You will notice, please, there has been no reference to Aeon of MAAT. The term used, once, was M.A.A.T., which is a formula of Master of the Temple of AA as given in Eq[uino]x.


Further letters from me will, I hope, have straightened out the points you seem puzzled about. If not, one of us must be a bit Alalus.


Yours in Love and Unity,




