Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones






5 May 1948



Dear Jones,


Your 30 Apr and two of 1st May [Letter #1 / Letter #2]. I suggest that now instead of sending me these letters on the day you write them, you wait until you have a small batch and then post the batch as I have done. This will save money and not inconvenience me.


Many thanks for the two photographs. I will return them when copies. Please regard my letters as suggestions only. I do not really expect you to carry out, as the point of view of a Master of the Temple is different from that of a Neophyte.


Do tell me the name of the other traditional system, not AA, of which you write. Is there any means by which I can contact it in this country? I want as far as I can in my book on Yoga to correlate the Eastern technique and practices with those of the West as my contribution to the system which eventually will supplant them both by being world-wide. This rather than taking on individual pupils is the task I have set myself. I ought therefore to know something of the system about which you write. I gather that it is not the Roman Catholic Church as such.


I will send you a copy of China Changes when I return to the country in July. I have no copies up here. With the exception of one chapter it is a travel book and quite trivial.


Many thanks for the stamps. After spending the day reading Hindu philosophy, etc., I find that stamps provide the mental relaxation required. Re. Germer [Karl Germer] and his circle, last, I agree to their paying your wife for the archive.


I will send you a copy of Liber LXV with comment in a day or two. I have just bought an important batch of A.C. MSS. One volume is "AL The Commentary called D provisionally by 666 and written at Nefta An XIX". It is in holograph. I am copying it for you and Germer. One of the other volumes is his Rex de Arte Magica diary dealing with IX° in 1918. There is an interesting bit on the correct spelling of Baphomet as given by Amalantrah. In this volume is also recorded the abortive Cephaloedium working to obtain comment of Liber AL. He took a Yi King symbol for the whole working and obtained "Big Earth". I quote: "It means Manifestation: i.e. the bringing forth to birth of the forces hitherto developed by us in secret".




