Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel







7 May 1948



To my Two Witnesses Yorke and Handel.


Fellow Stars,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Another very extraordinary correspondence was revealed today shortly before noon. It should be recorded.


Earlier in the morning I felt there was rather a time-lag; owing to Saturnus [Karl Germer] not having so far answered my letters. Then I considered that since this new current began clearly to manifest on Palm Sunday, and since yesterday was Ascension Day, perhaps a change of some sort was due—one should, perhaps, begin to take a different attitude. I thought of writing to you about this, in quite a businesslike way.


However, it came to mind that as I had written a brief letter to Mr. M. Hutching, Chancellor of the University of Chicago, about a week ago (briefly telling him that careful records had been made of what appeared to be the incoming of an Age of Truth and Justice on April 2nd, which, it was hoped, would later produce data for mathematical calculation of odds for or against such a thing, but requesting that in the meanwhile he merely make a note of it in his files, in case this proved to be the turning point for the better in world affairs), it might now be a good time to choose just one series of "coincidences" and ask you whether you knew a good mathematician who could calculate the chances for us.


This led to consideration of which series to take and how to state the matter clearly. I thought that connected with the numbers 13 and 31 might be the best—and was immediately led to make an entirely new discovery, which increases the chances still further, and what is more indicates a change completely unforeseen and unexpected in regard to the symbolization of the Manifestation of the Aeon itself.


I will now try to formulate a few of the factors of this one (among very many) series that should be capable of mathematical computation by a competent person. Then I will tell you the ending of the story.


What are the mathematical chances of a man staying in Cairo in 1904 being "told" by his wife (?), who knows nothing of "magic", to sit down at 12 noon on April 8, 9, 10 when he will receive a new revelation (All details of the obtaining of which are printed in The Equinox of the Gods). He does so and hears a "voice" which dictates, one hour a day, for three days; and thus the "Three-fold Book of Law" was received. This book in Chapter I says he shall have a "child" who will behold the mysteries hidden therein, although he himself will not, and in Chapter III says that "one" shall follow him "who shall discover the Key of it all".


In 1909, a younger man becomes a Probationer of AA and chooses a motto. He thereafter meets the first man mentioned for the first time in his life; just for a few hours in London. Shortly after, the younger man leaves England for Canada where he works alone, in his spare time, on mystical affairs. At the end of his period of Probation he chooses another Motto, in accordance with the rules of the Order, and this is Achad—which means One and adds to 13. At that time he had never seen The Book of the Law, because a printed copy only came to him after becoming a Neophyte, in 1913. In 1916 this "Achad" is impressed to take certain unexpected steps which produced a strange mystical result. He notified "X" (the man who received Liber Legis in 1904) after the event, and the result was that, unexpectedly to both parties, it became evident that "he" the younger man was the 'child' referred to in that prophetic book—although, of course, both had hitherto interpreted the book to mean a "baby" in the usual sense, not a grown man. In 1917 Achad underwent another strange experience of such magnitude that it was nine months before he was able to look back upon it in perspective.  In the meanwhile he had moved to New York and so also had the elder man, so they were together for some months. In 1918 Achad realized that a certain word which he had received in the 1917 expedience was the Key to Liber Legis and that as prophesied therein "one" had obtained it. This word had a numeration of 31—which, be it noted, is the reverse of 13. He did not, however, immediately inform "X" of this discovery, but wrote the record carefully, called it Liber 31 and delivered it to "X" in 1919. Thereupon "X" found that it was truly the "Key" which unlocked for him the mysteries of the book he had received 15 years before, and five years before he knew of the existence of Achad.


In 1923 Achad wrote a book The Anatomy of the Body of God which contained geometric plans of an "expanding universe". He held the manuscript till 1925, but when about to publish it further discovered that a mysterious proportion, due to the change of angle which occurs when a two-dimensional object be considered as a three-dimensional solid, was exactly represented by the proportion "as 13 is to 31"—his two special numbers. (This is all shown in great detail in the book which was published in 1925.)


The mysterious book Liber Legis indicated that only after the death of "X" should further discoveries be made. "X" died in 1947. Owing to certain correspondence early in 1948 due to the death of "X" (from whom Achad had been estranged for 20 years), Achad felt a new interest in these matters. He was turned aside from his regular work and was, as it were, drawn into a new current. To mention only one result (out of very many), exactly on the 44th Anniversary of the writing of the first Chapter of Liber Legis in 1904, viz: on April 8, 1948 he discovered that this number 44, which could not have come up in that connection until that very day, proved to be a key number which solved a whole series of mysteries with which he had been dealing. Leaving that "series of coincidences" entirely out of this present calculation, however, only after that again, did he discover that 44 is 13 plus 31.


Having only this morning decided to formulate such a series as has just been written down above so that possibly the "chances" could be calculated (as against some mysterious "Design" in the nature of this universe whereby such things "happen" with exact precision), did Achad idly wonder and work out on a cigarette package what number resulted from the multiplication of 13 x 31. This was seen to be 403, a number with which he was not immediately familiar. This he went to look up in the Sepher Sephiroth with startling results.


Reference has already been made in this correspondence to a Qabalistic Manuscript QNA (151) which had to do with another mystery of Liber Legis, the force of Coph Nia. And you both know how this paper on which I now write was engraved to celebrate the discovery of the Thirteen-fold Star-Diamond of the Aeon of Truth and Justice—which we then, however, began to realize is the Aeon of MA. (Probably MA-ION is the correct form). But what has this final mystery of 13 x 31 brought to light? (1) a note in Sepher Sephiroth that 403 is QNA spelt in full. (2) that the number represents ANV PhIR—THE SAPPHIRE STONE (on which the original "Law" was supposed to have been written by Moses before he destroyed it and later wrote the Commandment on the two Tablets). Therefore, while the Aeon of Truth and Justice may have warranted a "Diamond" and the number 438, which means "The whole (perfect) stone", the Aeon of MA (and of M.A.A.T. as Understanding) is evidently intended to be symbolized by an unusual kind of Star-Sapphire, and the printing should be Blue—the Great Salt Sea now turned to sweetness. So it looks like a bit more notepaper and a change in Number from 438 to 403. Also I was evidently right when I considered an unusual shaped paper in proportion of 13 to 31 centimeters.


Can you find a mathematician to calculate these few odds—and then imagine all the other "chance" times and series. This one series alone might satisfy the University of Chicago and get the scientists willing to look into our "stuff". (If it only convinces Mr. Yorke it will be something.)


Yours in Love and Unity,




