Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Karl Germer





7 May 1948



Dear Germer,


I enclose for you a copy of the Commentary called D. I bought the original MSS together with those listed below from Isidore Kerman for I am sorry to say £100 two days ago.


1. A.C.'s Magical Diary in 7 notebooks from 29/12/23 to 13/7/24.


2. A.C.'s Magical Diary in 1 notebook from 27/9/23 to 5/10/23.


3. A.C.'s Magical Diary in 1 notebook from 16/9/24 to 24/4/25.


4. Liber sub figura XXVIII, The Fountain of Hyacinth, in two notebooks.


5. One book containing

(a) Rex de Arte Regis (IX workings) 25/2/18 to 2/9/18.

(b) Stauros Batrachou or Liber LXX for VI° O.T.O.

(c) The Book of the Cephaloedium Working. An XVI.


6. A notebook containing

(a) A death bed repentance;

(b) Various poems;

(c) Geomantic workings in the handwriting of Windram [James Windram] re The Equinox publications in 1912.


7. A notebook containing

(a) The Soul of the Desert. Tozeur 17/4/14.

(b) Various poems.

(c) Bye-Laws for the Profess Houses of the O.T.O. promulgated 1/1/14.


8. Original MSS of a play The Saviour.


9. Typescript commentary with MSS additions on The Book of Lies. On the back of some pages is a MSS story The Vampire of Vespuccia.


10. The English Review for July 22 containing three articles by A.C.—Percy Bysshe Shelley, The Jewish Problem Restated, and The Drug Panic.


11. One notebook in Alostrael's [Leah Hirsig] handwriting called Visions, Copied from diaries of the Beast and Alostrael beginning 29/10/23. Nefta, Tunisia. From Feb 1924 it is her diary for rest of the year.


12. I vol. of Leah's diary from 25/9/24 to 28/10/24.


13. I vol. of Leah's diary from 29/12/24 to 5/2/25.


14. I vol. of Leah's diary from 8/5/25 to 15/6/25.


15. One short notebook containing Visions of ADO Apr. 1925.


When John Symonds has done with them, I will send them in small batches for you to get copies and then return to me. Let me know however if you already have the typescript Commentary on The Book of Lies. If so I will merely send you the few MSS additions.


John has written about half his book. I have not read it yet.


Your 30/4/48. I am having no dealings with Birven [Henri Birven]. I look forward to Jane's [Jane Wolfe] reminiscences. If you are wise you will limit your commitment re Aleister Ataturk to so much a year, which is paid direct to the mother [Patricia MacAlpine] on certain fixed dates. You do not want to get involved in individual bills. My impression of the mother is that she is nice but quite irresponsible, I enclose copy of a letter I sent Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones]. It expresses my views.




Gerald Yorke.


