Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones
22 May 1948
Dear Jones,
Your 16/5/48. The young woman who is alleged to have lived on a sacramental wafer a day was Therese Neumann in Bavaria. I have however never seen an authorised Catholic account of her. For heaven's sake don't start quoting reports from the Chinese press—most unreliable. The Indian theory is that you can live on Prana. A.C. in his old age gave a lecture to the Physical Research Society in which he hinted that the substance of the IX was the answer. But I do not suppose you were being serious.
Ref p.2. This is quite clear. I hope however that you have a complete copy of the Achita—Amalantra working. So far I have only been able to rescue a small portion of the working. A.C. did not have any of it when he died.
Your p.3. This is by no means clear to me. You vibrated your new word in 1926. Was this word MANIFESTATION (438), and is this the Greater Cycle commencing 2/4/48? MA-ION (403) is then the word of the Lesser Cycle. MA makes sense as the twin of Hoor, and one of the appendages hanging down from the Mark of the Beast. With Hoor as V and Ma as H final you get a rounding off of the Aeon of Horus and logically your Greater Cycle would follow. But your greater comes before your lesser cycle—or so it appears to me.
Surely there is no evidence that Moses vibrated IHVH, just as there is no evidence that Laotse refrained from vibrating TAO, or Mahommed ALLAH. I do not think it is legitimate to base an argument on one of them having vibrated, while the other two did not. I agree, however that there is reasonable evidence that A.C. did not so vibrate a word.
P.5. Reasonable, but time will show. I think there will be disunion between you and Saturnus [Karl Germer], but see no reason why you should fight. You can both work independently without interfering with each other.
I agree that ISIS is probably the secret name of Nuit, but personally think that Hrumachis will turn out to be a threefold and not a fourfold word, i.e. that a suitable meaning will be found for CHIS, which is not through taking CH apart from IS. CHIS or rather KIS in Enochian adds up to 117, or 9 times 13. KIS in Hebrew is 90, CHIS is 78. CHIS in Greek is 670, KIS in Greek is 90. I think the two nineties are wrong. I derive the Enochian from A.C.'s attribution of the Enochian Alphabet to the Tarot trumps, and then take the numerical value of the Hebrew letter which indicates the path concerned. I agree that you need a larger and lesser cycle to make your present revelations intelligible. Time alone will prove whether Horus has or has not a longer innings than the 44 years which you have assigned to his aeon.
Gerald Yorke.