Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones






28 May 1948



Dear Jones,


Your 22/5/48. You do not, I think, know all the facts about the various 'comments'. You have the 'old comment' written in 1909, and the rambling 'new comment' in typescript. But there is a third comment written in 1925 known as the comment called D. There is however no qabala in it. After suitable magical working, Hadit can be said to have "made swift and sure the pen" as the whole was written in two long sessions, and there are no erasures in the MSS. A.C. however put the MSS in storage in Naples, I brought it to England, and on his instruction handed it over to a solicitor, who held it against a loan with other similar material, until I bought it back from him. It was not therefore available for A.C. to reproduce in The Equinox of the Gods. I have sent Germer [Karl Germer] a copy, and will send you one if you like. A.C. I think maintained that this comment had been inspired by Aiwass. This comment is reasonably brief and certainly succinct, which is the last epithet one would apply to the typescript known as the 'new' comment. This latter antedates the comment called D.


Incidentally, A.C, notes that the prophecy in AL I 55 was fulfilled An XII Sun in 0 degrees Cancer, but you know that.


Your 23/5/48. It is natural that you should work without lust of result. I can understand your wish to pass your revelations on to two witnesses, and to remain in obscurity, and I shall of course respect this request. I am not so sure that you are right in so doing, as true messages are not meant to be concealed merely because your revelation will in most cases be misunderstood. Your attitude would be more intelligible to me, if you were concealing because you were not yet certain of the truth. My estimation of truth and justice is however peculiar to myself as a star; others interpret after their own measure of understanding. All are both right and wrong in accordance with the angle or plane from which you look at it. I have not expressed my thought as clearly as I would like to do so.




