Correspondence from Karl Germer to John P. Kowal
4 June 1948
Dear Frater Sapientia,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
A few days ago I received another of these interminable communications of which, I see, you are also a recipient. As I have a strange interest in you, and as you have not access to the complete text of Therion's Commentary to The Book of the Law, I'll send you the pertinent completion.
(Refers to Achad's [Charles Stansfeld Jones] communication [of] May 30th 1948 [concerning] Liber Legis, Chapter II, verses 75-76.) The commentary to this verse 76 by Therion ends:—
This 'one' is not to be confused with the 'child' referred to elsewhere in this book. It is quite possible that O.I.V.V.I.O. (who took the grade of 8=3 by an act of will without going through the lower grades in the regular way) failed to secure complete annihilation in crossing the Abyss; so that the drops of blood which should have been cast into the cup of Babalon should 'breed scorpions and vipers, and the Cat of Slime'. In this case he would develop into a Black Brother, to be torn in pieces and reduced into his Elements against his Will.
Love is the law, love under will.
Fraternally yours,
Karl Germer.