Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






4 June 1948



Dear Yorke,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Yours or 30/5/48 (two letters) just to hand. Thought I was "out in the clear" to-day, but there are points such as you raise to clear up.


Am very interested that A.C. got "Hadit" as "negative electron"—although he did not identify with ION. Had never seen that part of his Comment you quote. Have additional pages on some of the verses, but not on that one. This shows a true connection between A.C.'s working and my own independent one. (Hope you realize you have already sent D before copying again.)


You got a MA-ION interpretation of II.23 easily in first case because I had indicated it was there, and you arrived at just about what I did, only you went one better about "Gt. Stone". You might find more difficulty in getting same meaning out of some other verse, if you were setting out to "fake" things. Your further working is very interesting. I never, as you will have noticed, used factors which make up number, but stick to whole number, and what is printed in Sepher Sephiroth. By the way, am further handicapped by fact that Handel [Albert H. Handel] is not initiate of IX° or anywhere "in that direction". Therefore, cannot, as you do with me, introduce anything of sex correspondences in these letters to "Two Witnesses."


I don't know anything about Sri Sampradaya system except name—so cannot give you clues. It is interesting that you can trace IX° in Oriental system. You have great advantage there.


Thanks for your memorandum.


What you say about MANIO = 107, etc. also very interesting. Thanks for these additional workings. Doubtless there will be more in due course.


I took "f" as "6". FESTATIN, 6 plus 5 plus 60 plus 9 plus 1 plus 9 plus 10 plus 50 = 150.


I withheld interpretation of "All is in Tau" as an aspect of possible future rituals, etc. Sam still applies.


There is no numerical correspondence between Manifestation (or Abrahadabra) and the 438. The latter merely means "The Whole (perfect) Stone" and refers to the "thirteen-fold figure" itself . . . The same applies on "blue" paper. 403 means the "Sapphire Stone". Your "Great Stone" (95) is interesting on that account, as it makes a set of three. (Praise Be! I only just on writing this added them to 936, and went downstairs to look up Sepher Sephiroth and found KETHER! Not three minutes have elapsed. That's what I mean by "coincidence" and "new state of consciousness".)


Yours in Unity and Love,




