Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones
30 May 1948
Dear Jones,
Your 26/5/48. My non-qabalistic interpretation of [Liber Legis] II 23 was taken from A.C.'s papers. You have I think the typescript of the New and Old Comment, but I do not think you have the additions which A.C. made to the New Comment. I do not know when these additions were made. The full transcript of the addition to the new comment on this verse is as follows.
The quintessence of this verse is its revelation of the nature of Hadit as a self-conscious and individual being although impersonal. He is an ultimate independent and unique element in Nature, impenetrably aloof. The negative electron seems to be his physical analogue. Each such electron is indistinguishable from any other; yet each is determined by its relations with various positive complementary electrons.
The verse is introduced at this juncture in order to throw light on the passage which follows. It is important to understand Hadit as the 'core of every star' when we come to consider the character of those stars, his 'friends' or sympathetic ideas grouped around him, who are 'hermits', individualities eternally isolated in reality though they may appear to be lost in their relations with external things.
There is I think a similar interpretation in the commentary called D, but I cannot quote it to you today as I have loaned the MSS to another Neophyte. I see I shall have to copy D for you, alas, as it will take me some days, typing slowly as I do.
I mistrust qabalistic interpretations of Liber Legis, because the latter if full of blinds. I however accepted Liber 31 the moment I read it, as having an authentic ring. Take my snap interpretation of II 23, which I did with the object of finding an interpretation to fit your MA-ION theory. I was sure I would find one and did so. I was equally sure I could fins a different one, and now try to do so. I use Greek qabala, as O is such a doubtful quality in Hebrew qabala.
There is no god where I am, that is no god + I am
No god = 197 = El Supernus
I αμ = 51 = failure — phallus + yoni — sterile force
248 = The 3 that bear witness above and beneath
Here you win, as this interpretation is merely a variation on the former. Incidentally, the variations you get from
fit in rather nicely with LA AL in Hebrew and Liber 31, or rather they appear on the surface to do so.
I have, I am afraid, never heard of the Sri Sampradaya system. I might know it under another name. Can you give me a short clue as to what it is? I can I think trace IX° back through the Puranas to the Upanishads, and less clearly to Vedic Hymns.
Your 26/5/48. I would like to 'get' into some more companionable' relationship. I cannot however honestly give you a carte blanche document for all and sundry that your statements and figures are in every way correct. I do however attach a document which expresses my views on the matter. Sorry for being persnickety, but I am made that way.
I Gerald Joseph Yorke of the above address, do on my word of honour as a Man make affirmation as follows, to wit:
Having received in confidence from one known as ACHAD a large number or records, which contain a great many calculations as to times, dates and numerical formulae and other matters, the truth of which can be checked by objective methods on reference to printed books and other materials in my possession, I hereby affirm and testify, in the interests of Truth and Justice, that
(a) I cannot check these records as to the exact times of writing, but I accept his word as to these times.
(b) I cannot check the actual dates on which these letters were written, not having kept the envelopes. I do however believe them to have been written on the days the dates of which they bear.
(c) I am not a specialist in the qabalah, and so cannot myself vouch that his qabalistic statements and figures are in every way correct. A competent qabalist would however be in a position to do so.
(d) I have no means of checking many of his statements about his initiatory experiences previous to this correspondence, as I have not seen his magical diaries. I have however no reason for doubting these.
Witness my hand this 30th day of May 1948.
G. J. Yorke.