Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke






26 May 1948



Dear Yorke,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Your letters of 18/5/48 and 19/5/48 received this evening—of 25th, for now it's after midnight. Am tired, but want to keep my end up-to-date. I don't expect to write much more before I have a reply to mine of May 24 re.—Parting of the Ways, and am also quite sure you have received long letter of May 12 sent slow mail. But here's a brief answer to present letters. Thanks for return of paper re. Sutras.


You're a darned good Qabalist with a "complex" about Qabalah. Your solution of test question contains practically all essential features, and more. Thanks so much for arrangement whereby you get 95 equals Great Stone. You think these things can be faked; they cannot; any attempt will have its reaction. Compare your answer with others: (1) Silent Contempt. (2) "I am alone: for where I am, God and I are One"—followed later by another "solution". "I am alone" means absence of Unity, of course absence of Unity means absence of God, so it could mean: "When two or three are gathered in my Name—there I am also." (3) HADIT via ion now AIN. (This I, myself, cannot follow.)


In regard to your remark: "Hadit is an element in nature comparable to a negative electron". Have you any record of any such suggestion being clearly made and associated with ION, other than and previous to mine of April 14th when I said just that? Is there any trace of such a thing in A.C.'s papers? When I began to get onto this aspect in 1932 I tried A.C. out with a brief note: "Why did you so address your letter dated November 18th, 1906, printed at the beginning of Eleusis?" That's all I said. Eleusis was addressed to ION, as Hermes. But I wanted to see if A.C. had spotted the electrical connection. My letter dated July 19, 1932, may be on file. You just use the idea now as if you'd known it all along. Please clear this up.


It is not for me to "advise" a Fellow Star, but I'll risk it this once. For goodness sake be careful about your prejudices and "dislikes". They lead you astray every time. This time you "dislike intensely". My reply is:


I was not talking of a "book". I did not take the name in question. I received it. Mantrina in Sanscrit has no connection with Mantra-yoga. Mantri has quite a different meaning. See good Sanscrit dictionary, also Taittiriya Samhita. I did not invent the system. I gave you a brief outline of end result of early part of compilation of wisdom of human race, as it stood early part of this century. It can be traced in West 700 years.




P.S. Yes, as a specialist, you could help me if you will. Coming down from Pre-Buddhistic, through Vedic-Puranic, to Puranic and Vaishnava, what can you tell me about the Sri Sampradaya system? I've wanted this information for a long time.




