Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke
24 April 1948
Dear Yorke,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Yours of 19/4/48 to hand. Yes, I have The Message of the Master Therion and The Law of Liberty. Thanks.
Liber Legis says: "The word of the law id Thelema". Therion proclaimed and preached this law. It is not abrogated, so far as I know. He did not claim that it was his Word. He mentioned Thelema as a Key in 1916. He did not receive the other Key, from me, until 1919—after which he acknowledged it. He did not consider Abrahadabra as his word, but as the Key of The Rituals mentioned in Chapter I of Liber Legis. Events have since shown that Abrahadabra is not the Key of the Rituals in that sense. It is this new discovery which has brought about all this correspondence between us. Nuit said: "The key of the rituals is in the secret word which I have given unto him". Chapter I of Liber Legis was written down on April 8, 1904. A.C. did not get the word Abrahadabra until two days after, viz: April 19th. Also, since Nuit said this in verse 20 of Chapter I, she must have mentioned this "secret word" in some verse previous to that. (Thelema is not mentioned until verse 39.) Only on MARCH 17, 1948 was it discovered that this word she referred to which contained the "Key of the Rituals" was the word MANIFESTATION. Is that reasoning clear to you?
Only then was it seen by me that the letters which are on the Silver Star, as arranged in 1932 (and which derive from 1926), are clearly displayed in two ways in the Word MANIFESTATION and thus GIVEN THE SANCTION OF NUIT AND LIBER LEGIS.
It is obvious that they appear in two ways: (1) in the order which first strikes one on looking at "Star", consists in the first four letters and the penultimate letter of the Word: MANI-O. The other (2) is as the first two and the last three letters: MA-ION (upon which a brief treatise has been sent you). The five letters of MAION add to 107 which corresponds to Egg (See Sepher Sephiroth), and the remaining letters (8) of the full word Manifestation add to 150. This Number means Nest.
The New Thirteenfold Star-Diamond, symbol of the Aeon of MA (not my aeon, by the way—please!) and of Truth and Justice, is being engraved and will shortly be sent to you for historical record. All my other references are equally clear if you care to take the trouble to look them up. It is not necessary for you to do this—since you are busy—but you have the only complete set of notes on the subject other than the originals. Anyone knowing a bit of Qabalah and having printed books could check in years to come if you will simply preserve and keep safe.
My letter did not say that A.C. never produced a word. It said he never pronounced a Word—in the vibratory sense, or of that nature in connection with his Grade. Doubtless he vibrated "God-names" as you should have learned to do as a Neophyte. But the information I have given you above will bring you little nearer to the Word in that respect. As I have told you more than once, there are New Rituals which lead towards that end. (There's no harm in trying, of course, but do not expect me to confirm in writing anything further in that respect.)
The matter of your aspirants is easily settled. You tell me A.C.'s mantles passed to Germer [Karl Germer]. They should of course be referred to Germer if you cannot handle them yourself. It is no part of my present job to train discarded A∴A∴ pupils. Please don't refer anyone to me or to my address.
A.C. explains the word "Not Known" in his own way in The Equinox of the Gods and Commentaries on Liber Legis. Germer has studied those and should understand. Liber 31 is not for him at present. (Look at how you begin to "argue" about "Grades".)
It seems a pity that A.C. neglected to obtain the only thing which he was told should be his proof of success. (I sent Germer a copy of brief letter to you re. Stélé [Stélé of Revealing]—it seems to have knocked him out.) Am getting on well with him, though. Think everything O.K. in that direction, so far.
Please try to realize that this matter is part of a much larger picture than that of "persons" and "grades" and things. If all is O.K., things should work out automatically—without any preaching or necessity of publications etc.—except in some minor matters. It also involves matters which have never yet been mentioned to you. For example, I enclose a copy of letter of 1935 re. Redemption of Time. That wasn't written on account of "Saturnus" [Karl Germer], but it will show you how interesting it is to find that the word Manifestation gives something to the effect: "All is in Tau"—Saturn—Time. Also note that the time-lag now appears to be corrected. (But we can hardly be sure that it is so on this Coast and Pacific Standard Time at present.) These chance times documents are the proofs—correspondence exact. (Others, as for instance Roerich and the Agni Yoga people, knew of this time-lag—it was not a pipe-dream.) But think what it could mean if everything now O.K.—Lying Zeitgeist out of business.
Yours in Unity and Love.
Should like to read China Changes?