Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones






12 June 1948



Dear Jones,


Your 7/6/48 is a useful summary. I am so glad that you now write that the anniversary "may have been one week earlier". Am sorry that you have found 'S.[aturnus]' [Karl Germer] "not to be trusted because not a man of his word". This has not yet been my experience with him.


Your 8/6/48. I like Liber 151 (QNA) in the same way that I did Liber 31. Besides, it helps to make some of your other letters clearer. John Symonds and I will be for ever in your debt for sending us the typescript copy of A.C.'s working with Virakam [Mary d'Este-Sturges]. I do hope that you can see your way to sending us the other diaries for us to copy and return.


Do you want to borrow the four-volume typescript of the unpublished portion of The Confessions [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley]?




