Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Gerald Yorke and Albert H. Handel










7 June 1948



Dear Yorke and Handel.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


We're getting some fine hot weather here at last; shall be glad to get final details settled up and take advantage of it. There are several points which need to be recorded.


The "manifesto" issued June 4th on "Aeon of Truth and Justice" paper is, we may say, the final statement: the true synthesis, representing the Great Cycle or Equinox. Please note carefully the following points: (1) It is addressed to "Beni Al", Sons of God, and it is with such that the New Covenant is made. This point is very important, but it is not in any way to be stressed; it is part of the Great Secret, and with this I cannot deal further now. (2) Do not become confused by the fact that another "Word of the Aeon" has been given—ALLALA. This is the Word of PERFECT-ION; of the Great Aeon which is coming into manifestation; the Plenum into finitude, the Eternal into time.


In the MA-ION (symbolized by the Daughter), the "Word of the Aeon" as announced on April 14th is MANIFESTATION". This is the lesser Equinox, or Time Cycle; that IN which the Plenum manifests. In (within) Manifestation, again, is "The Word which is the Key of the Rituals" and also the Name of the Aeon itself:


MA-ION. Thus we have system and system, a three-fold mystery—let no one know well another. The mystery of MA-ION (as MAN-IO) id given independently on the paper which shows the Silver Star. This was used for the first announcements. There was also an announcement "The Testimony of the Stone of Precious Water" made on paper showing a Nine-fold Diamond. This also has significance, but of another Order.


Now our main DOCUMENTS are these: (1) The Original objective statement of April 2nd, which is on record with you two alone. (1b.) A simple "manifesto" also of April 2nd made on "Silver Star" paper, copies of which were sent to 5 persons of another Order; (1c.) A simple statement, made on "Star" paper, announcing date of incoming of manifestation of Aeon of T.[ruth] & J.[ustice] issued April 6th. Several of these were sent out, including one to Saturnus [Karl Germer]. (This was the same day on which he first wrote to me.) Each of these three forms fulfilled a different mission.


Document 2. "The Testimony of the Stone of Precious Water" issued to certain persons on April 8th—the Anniversary of the Writing of Liber Legis 44 years previous. (The true anniversary, we now find, may have been one week earlier.) Saturnus did one receive a copy of his.


Document 3. This is a MAIN document. It is the "Epistle of M.A.A.T. to the Crowned Children of the New Aeon", issued April 14th (same day as that issued by the "Servitors" about a New Cycle). It announces the MA-ION. This was issued on plain paper. It belongs properly on the special Blue paper of Sapphire Stone—403. (S.[aturnus] had this!)


(I will at this point insert a few further notes on the Ma-Ion, and kindred matters. Please note that in Sanscrit Ma = Not. In the same language it also means: "Mouth" and fem. it means "Authority", "Knowledge". On the other hand the "Silver Star" arrangement, MANIO, can be taken as MANI-O, in which case MANI in Sanscrit means "jewel"—I think especially the RUBY. This is as we find it in Om Mani Padme Om. These details, however, have to do with the "Key of the Rituals" and you will begin to see that this term means something.)


Document 4. A subsidiary paper issued April 17th on "One Star in Sight"—breaking down of old system of "Paths", etc. (S. had this).


Document 5. A further subsidiary paper on same subject, issued April 18th (S. had this.)


Document 6. Issued April 28th. Reconciliation of Aeons of Horus and Ma. Important for special purposes. (S. had this).


Document 7. The third MAIN Document. Issued June 4th on "Truth and Justice" paper to Beni AL. Reconciles Aeon of PERFECTION and Ma-ion, gives clearly "WORD NOT KNOWN" viz: ALLALA which affirms: "God is Not Not" by use of double negative. This TRUE 93 in manifestation. (Whatever the Juggler may have done with "78" in that connection.) (S. had this.)


These, then, are the three main documents and the 4 lesser ones of the period. All other (or almost all) writings were for you two alone—at present. Thus about ALALLA, etc., my own Grades and affairs, and so on. The above have been "published" in the sense of having been sent to several people besides yourselves, and that they will be used again, by me, as needed. They stand as official publications.


Now just a few words as regards to S. It must be remembered that he has had no documents save those above mentioned and, in addition "The Poem and April Fool's Day papers" issued April 30th and the "Big Stick" of May 30th. You may have wondered why the latter was sent to him. It was sent in the light of our brief personal correspondence, other than above documents. I found (despite your assurances) he was not to be trusted because not a man of his word.


Yours in Unity and Love,




[a note by Achad—in pencil—on back of letter]:

Dear Yorke. Further yours 24/5/48: I have DCXXXIII and CLXXXV—Coll. Sancti. I have not got Comment on Liber VII. Should like one if you can spare it.


