Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to John Symonds






16 June 1948



Dear Mr. Symonds,


Your letter of June 11th has just reached me. I am glad you wrote, and hasten to reply.


I have done my best to cooperate with Mr. Yorke [Gerald Yorke] in any way possible in regard to this matter. Besides sending him the photographs you mention, I have sent some details regarding Raoul Loveday, Mr. C. F. Russell, and plans for development of Cefalù. Also more recently I have sent a typescript of the working of A.C. with Soror Virakam [Mary d'Este-Sturges] in the early days, and a "confession" of Norman Mudd which will help to do justice to the memory of that unfortunate Brother. I have also sent Mr. Yorke various other writings: not for publication, but for his own guidance on matters where otherwise, through misinformation, injustice could have been done if wrongly reported.


I have also told Mr. Yorke quite clearly that I do not intend to send any further material which may be on hand which, in my opinion, may (1) do more harm than good, if published; (2) is not suitable to be sent through the mails in its present form; (3) which I am unable to get copied and edited myself and which, in any event, I am at present convinced is better left out of the picture.


As for your including any kind of "life of Frater Achad" in your writings, please understand this clearly. (1) I told Aleister Crowley in 1936 that I did not wish my name publicly to appear further in any such connection; (2) he respected my wishes, publishing only the few notes which are in The Equinox of the Gods, proofs of which he sent me; (3) I give you no permission to mention my name at all in your book, and in fact shall hold you personally responsible if, after this formal notice, it does so appear.


Yours very sincerely,


C. Stansfeld Jones

(Frater Achad)


Copy to Mr. Gerald Yorke,

Registered Air Mail


