Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Karl Germer
18 June 1948
Dear Germer,
I enclose an attempt at a complete bibliography of the official A∴A∴ and O.T.O. books which have numbers. It is designed to bring the list in Magick [Magick in Theory and Practice] pp. 214-228 up to date. There are only 9 which I cannot trace as surviving, while we have part of 2 of these 9.
I enclose from my collection copies for your retention of De Thaumaturgia and Liber Collegii Sancti. Also The Master Therion, a biographical note. Liber Pramidos is being copied for you at the moment.
Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones] is indeed a funny man. I have now some 60 letters, most of them nonsensical. A copy of A.C.'s diary of his working with Virakam [Mary d'Este-Sturges] in Naples is however on its way to me. I am not certain whether I shall succeed in getting copies of the other two diaries which he has.
Thanks for letting me know the position re. Probationers etc. I agree with all you write. I did not think much of young Johnson of Leicester, who struck me as being a weak, hero-worshipping type. Kenneth Grant and his wife [Steffi Grant] are serious and have the whole set of O.T.O. documents. He took AOSSIC as his motto in A∴A∴, I do not know what motto his wife took. They are both under 25, of small but for them sufficient means, and devote their whole time to reading and practical work. I am using them to copy anything I have but which you lack and vice versa. I expect a batch of stuff back from them in about a week's time.
I have not net Vernon Simmons or Robert Cecil. The Grants are the only people I have found to whom I can talk without reservation for years. I have met Curwen [David Curwen], but doubt whether I shall bother to see him again. He is a strange, twisted man. I have never met Macgregor Reid, and doubt if I shall do so, not being interested in modern or ancient Druids.
I agree entirely as to a period of silence. I expect Jones to come out into the open as the correct spiritual heir both in A∴A∴ and O.T.O., but he is so crazy that I cannot believe him capable of doing anything. He has a strong dislike for you, and in my opinion has never recovered from the shock of A.C. casting him off, but I may be wrong.
Sorry that the packing case was too large for you. What remains is not bulky. Will do my best to speed up sending the rest. Do you want to wait until you get it all, or would you prefer it in sections? If the latter, it will cost about twice as much, as you are doubling the cartage and packing time.