Correspondence from to Gerald Yorke to Karl Germer
27 June 1948
Dear Germer,
I enclose
(a) Rex de Arte Regia which form part of the diaries which I bought the other day.
(b) Copies of correspondence—some original included—in connection with the committee to get books and papers from Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones], who has sent me—though it is not yet to hand—a copy of the old boy's diary of his working with Virakam [Mary d'Este-Sturges] in Naples. But he declines sending the other two diaries. If you try to get him to disgorge by going to law, this correspondence may help you.
(c) MS of review of Frank Harris' Life and Loves. I now have another MS of this in the old boy's handwriting.
(d) Sunday Saving Scheme. I have a copy.
(e) Three Schools of Magic. I have a copy.
(f) Typescript of Liber VII. I have a copy of the book.
All the above from my own collection.
Thanks for the additions to the Biographical Note. These were omitted from the typescript copy I bought. Comment on The Book of Lies from my collection is being copied for you a the moment.
I will arrange with John [John Symonds] for another parcel of stuff to be sent you towards the end of the month. I will include the Hopfer [Oskar Hopfer] diagrams [for a new edition of 777] and the O.T.O. sashes and aprons. Also the Yi King sticks [that belonged to Crowley].
John has just written the printer. No reply to date. Give Mellinger [Frederic Mellinger] my address if ever he is in London.
Please send me Jones's Gambling with the World. It will help me to complete my collection of his stuff.
Gerald Yorke.