Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones
[undated: 15 July 1948?]
Dear Jones,
Your 9/7/48. When you send me the pre-notice of your book, I will tell the only man I know of over here who would be interested. The trouble is that with present currency restrictions, unless you arrange for some sort of publication in this country, we shall not be able to buy it.
Above is a scrap referring to you, which I found in some of Mudd's [Norman Mudd] correspondence. I hardly go so far as he did, when he commented on it :It seems to me the most important comment you have yet made on the Book of the Law".
I am beginning to get together from various sources a whole lot of qabalistic comment, which was never tidied up for publication. It seems a pity that I cannot send it to you. I like λογος πυθιος του νομου = 2542 = θελημα (spelt in full).
Many apologies for my last letter which got posted unstamped by slow mail. I enclose a shilling stamp for you to give some young philatelist as my only means of making amends.