Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Karl Germer
27 July 1948.
Dear Germer,
Your 15/7/48. The other De Arte Regia diaries of the American period have not survived. I copies from the original, which was one of the diaries I bought from Kerman [Isidore Kerman]. Sorry for the misprint of Budge for Bridge. I enclose (1) Part of the working with Virakam [Mary d'Este-Sturges] which led to the writing of Book 4 [Part I & Part II]. It is copied from a typescript kindly sent me by Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones], who has the original. It took much persuasion to get it out of him. Unfortunately it is only the first part and he has not the rest. (2) A.C.'s commentary on The Book of Lies. This is from a bound typescript which I bought from Kerman. I have nearly finished typing a copy of all my letters from A.C. I shall place them at John's [John Symonds] disposal and will send them to you for your records when John has finished his Life.
Jones has actually helped slightly in the writing of the Life b sending the above diary fragment, also copies of some of A.C.'s letters to him which were to have been worked up for Equinox III 2, also for copying a very valuable photograph of A.C., Leah [Leah Hirsig] and the children outside the 'Abbey' [Abbey of Thelema] at Cefalų. I originally secured his cooperation with a view to his helping to whitewash the old boy by contributing facts. Unfortunately he then went crazy with his 'revelations' of his new aeon of Ma, and has turned slightly sour.
I do not now how Grant [Kenneth Grant] got VII°, VIII°, IX° De Homunculo, and The Paris Working. But personally I take his word that A.C. gave them to him. Among the old boy's papers is an exercise book containing drafts of his letters taken by Grant when acting as secretary. It also contains an essay by Grant written at A.C.'s request on 'Vajra Yoga', which shows him knowledgeable about IX°.
The shippers have collected the next consignment for you. It includes the Hopfer [Oskar Hopfer] drawings. As you will see, A.C. has worked over my suggested alteration in pencil on the diagrams. The final consignment will not be half so bulky. I am posting the Yi King sticks, tie pin and Egyptian statuette at the same time as this letter.
Gerald Yorke.