Correspondence from Louis Wilkinson to Menneer, Idle & Brackett
Lloyds Bank Chambers, 28 & 29 Grand Parade, St. Leonards-on-Sea.
Second Letter.
24th August, 1948.
Dear Dr. Wilkinson,
A. Crowley decd.
Since dictating my first letter to you, I have had a 'phone call from the Manager to Lloyds Bank Ltd., Hastings, who tells me that he has considered the position and he finds that when the Executors were allowed to draw upon the account, they gave an undertaking that they would produce Probate and that in the circumstances, this Grant will be required. I should say the costs would be approximately 15 gns. Plus Court fees which would be quite small and if you would like me to proceed with the preparation of the papers, I will do so.
No duty will be payable, as the Estate is under £2,000.
Yours very truly,
Dr. L. Wilkinson, 17, St. Leonards Terrace, London, S.W.3.