Correspondence from Gerald Yorke to Charles Stansfeld Jones
27 August 1948.
Dear Jones,
I am returning your Gambling with the World as Germer [Karl Germer] has sent me a copy. Many thanks.
Do you remember our correspondence as to whether Liber AL was dictated on the first of the 7th April? Towards the end of Part IV of The Equinox of the Gods it reads "It must have been on the first of April that W commanded P . . . to enter the temple", while in The Equinox I 7 p. 386 it reads "It must have been on the 7th April . . .". I have now succeeded in finding and acquiring the actual typescript used by the printer to set up his type for The Equinox of the Gods. This typescript has many alterations and additional foot-notes in the old boy's handwriting which have all been incorporated in The Equinox of the Gods. It is Vol I with pp 138 of the long commentary of which I already had the other 3 volumes comprising pp 139 to 626, and of which you have part. In this typescript as sent to the printer the relevant passage reads "It must have been on the 7th April that W . . .". The typescript shows, as I have said, innumerable cases of revision, but this was not altered. The actual page proofs of the book have not survived, so that it is still possible that A.C. made the alteration in the page or galley proof stage. I think this however unlikely. The 7th of April now clearly appears in two cases, and throughout his surviving diaries he records Apr 7 as the anniversary of the writing and not Apr 1.