Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
5169 1/4 Fountain Avenue Los Angeles, 27, California
October 5, 1948
Dear Karl:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Mrs. Sherrill: At present she has "Little Essays", "Sammasatti—Analysis of the Mind", "The Qabalah—Best Training" and "Magick & Yoga Confronted." Her only Yoga experience, Pranayama some years ago.
I see I did not tell you that she lived a few years at "Krotona", here in Hollywood, the then Headquarters in U.S.A. of the T.S. [Theosophical Society].; that she studied music and dancing at this time, and wrote a few newspaper articles. She and I crossed each other's path at this time: I quit T.S. 1917, and Krotona definitely 1918—I kept going occasionally because I liked some of the people. She had made a toe-hold there by this period.
As I told you she wrote me about Magick. I think she connected this with healing, as that seemed her big desire when I was there. And prayer: prayer that really meant something. I told her what I know of a Golden Dawn woman, who had some healing power: she cured, they thrived, but some few years later the same sickness was back because the sickness lay deep, deep within. Also I quoted Aleister: Spiritual means for spiritual ends, mental for mental, material means for material ends.
I am now prompted to ask: If one had the power to use spiritual means for healing, and performed that healing on the spiritual plane (where no doubt the real weakness lies and not in the material) would not one fulfill "Spiritual means for Spiritual ends"? If you have the time, please mention this when next you write.
Paul [Paul Milliken]. He was in Guatemala 1st October, as I had from there my first communication from him since he left. This signifies a change of his itinerary. He must be here the 20th, so will surely be in N.Y. before long.
So far as I know, he just would not keep a diary—I spoke of it several times. Ero [Ero Sihvonen] started one and then quit. But Paul did joy down on bits of paper carried for the purpose, some unexpected thought, a rhythmic couplet, etc.
I can be crystal clear And even jeer As what I fear comes near.
O give me the power through tools of fire To be near Thee in this sacred hour— The hour of tension, dissension, contention— Even through this retching comes God to my attention.
Yes, I can give you 3 copies of AL. Culling [Louis Culling] gave me 4! Truth to tell, I forgot about sending them, and I am glad you reminded me at this time. No, I will send the 4. My copy of that blue edition has my name in gold lettering on the cover, and this I can give or loan to Santa B. if, if, etc. At Pasadena, whenever one was initiated he or she received a copy of this blue AL with his or her name written in gold on the cover. The "Pen" etc., was borrowed from Aerojet the evening of the initiation and returned the next a.m.
Roy [Roy Leffingwell] has some wild and enthusiastic notion about "the Ranch". These two lots, Dr. Montenegro [Gabriel Montenegro] and John Eller, are worthless without water—the 'well' does not produce, and $500 of the sale price is to be used to go farther down into the hole already dug.
Roy has another set-back. Montenegro hurt his back, in bed for three weeks. Frances [Ward] sick; before that the man who made the well was laid up for weeks. Also he did not make this article strong enough, more ply board had to be added. Just one damn thing after another.
A note re Phyllis [Phyllis Seckler], lest you forget she exists. Recently I questioned her isolation (Did you know she was my chela for a number of years?) thinking Roy might have wished it. She tells me she has achieved somewhat of "it will be to him as silver"; likewise "come unto me!" She has given up, for the present, any and all book work, Lodge attendance, etc., and is exploring first hand. This accounts for what was, to me, a state of purdah. She has dedicated herself to 111.
Let me go back to my diary of 1940, when I was performing Liber Samekh three times daily.
At the west Phyllis came vividly before me (I have been going over her Diary for Probationer), and I realized her as one of the Chosen, the sacredness and holiness of her Yoni, and that she must regard herself as the custodian of a trust. (This is not a correct description; It was not Phyllis I saw, but this radiating Yoni.)
I wrote Aleister while at Winona I wanted Phyllis to go on from where I left off. Maybe something will yet come out of California?
I thank you for all the information contained in your letter re H.Q., the Brussells shipment, Hastings printer, etc.
Oh, a big, big item! Two days ago the heaviness of the summer, my weakness, dropped off my shoulders like a cloak! Strange, strange. I have had this sort of thing happen before, but never for three or four months.
Hugh [Hugh Christopher] returned a month ago, and his contribution will keep my contribution to H.Q. at $25 a month.
Love is the law, love under will.
May you find the Right Spot shortly!