Correspondence from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe





260 West 72nd Street

New York, N. Y.



November 23, 1948



Dear Jane,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Re Ishrah [Herbert Schmolke]: I think he should in any case make a formal application for a visa. Even if it takes 9 months, at least he has a quota number and from what I know the available visas take their turn. May-be by some chance a sponsor or two may be found in the meantime. Once we have the H.Q. definitely established I could perhaps give a pledge to house him or them when they arrive. We know well enough how hard it is for intellectuals to get placed unless they have connections, and try hard at any job, not their intellectual ones. We find as a general rule that the wife took a job in a factory (there are innumerables such cases in our Jewish acquaintanceship here) and supported the household, until the husband could establish himself. But Mrs. Schmolke is a dentist, and there is no reason why she could not work as a helper or assistant or some such thing to a dentist.


The two books I sent are a small payment for your devotion and spirit.


Paul [Paul Milliken]: Of course, he'll come to you; give him what you can. We have met his wife and were not impressed; she could never understand his spiritual aspiration. Wait: you'll soon find how serious conflicts will develop because of incompatibility. Then is the time for him to watch and listen to the voice of his H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel].


What Paul could do is to give me some assistance for the H.Q., either as a temporary loan, or outright. After you have read my letter to Mildred [Mildred Burlingame] of to-day you'll see my situation. A few hundred dollars would be of great help.—His job is to find out first the subtle whisperings of his H.G.A. then learn his language and in what way He speaks to his soul—not to his brain! Then to follow him.


"The Wake World" in is Konx Om Pax which I thought you had? If not, Paul will oblige.


No word from Roy [Roy Leffingwell] at all. I'll write him soon, too busy now, have been for many months. I don't like Phyllis' [Phyllis Seckler] relations with Roy. I wish you'd have a talk with Jean [Jean Sihvonen] who gives indications the Rancho Royal camp is toying with Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones]; perhaps already bound. I'll have to clarify and see how Roy stands.


Please send me those things by Ishrah: the poem, astrological figures, sheets on Fire and War. I expect much more from him, despite Frederick's [Frederic Mellinger] opinion.—This is all, you'll see more from my letter to Mildred.


Love is the law, love under will.


With love, yours,




