Correspondence from Jane Wolfe to Karl Germer
Los Angeles
February 3, 1949
Dear Karl:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I thank you for yours of the 20th, 22nd, and 27th January, with the enclosed 3 snapshots of the H.Q. and the two examples of Ataturk's [Aleister Ataturk] work. These I will return when all have seen them.
Also M.O. [Money Order] for $39 is enclosed. At present Ray [Ray Burlingame] is sending his dues only.
Yes the 6 copies of the Stele of Revealing arrived safely. Paul [Paul Milliken], Hugh [Hugh Christopher] and Jane so far. Lekve [Friedrich Lekve] sent the B[urlingames]'s 11, which they are keeping for "new members", Montenegro [Gabriel Montenegro] being one such. Some 2 years ago Ray had the Stele reproduced, and the various members got copies from him.
A sewing job came Mildred's [Mildred Burlingame] way which paid her $10, and with this she sent a Care package to Scotland. I am getting together a box of clothing to go Friday or Saturday.
Enclosed are further charts by Ishrah [Herbert Schmolke], one (or possibly two) a duplicate. And I mailed him last week a copy each of Ararita and Liber Trigrammaton. If you wish copies please let me know. I would like to type Liber LXV, as I have never done so, but that is beyond me at present. Some day, perhaps, spreading it over the weeks.
Now for Hugh. Thursday, the 27th, he came for his study and discussion period. First he unburdoned himself of some things at his home, but seeing them as tests which he needs; after that in a talk about the Heart of the Master—especially "The Sensibility of the Universe is the Triumph of thine Imagination", he gradually passed into a state of—
To-and-fro pulsation" moving his body with the rhythm—"where everything that is to happen has already happened"—"strange, there is neither Time nor Space!"—"take your hands off unfoldment, let it unfold"—become aware of where you are headed"—"If the observer I enjoy the action, if one-with I am part of the to-and-fro."
His mood was strong enough to cause me to partake, slightly, and for just a moment, of this one-with—that sensibility that is active participation.
'Take your hands off' recalls Jung's interpretation of Wu-Wei—not doing, letting be. The positive aspect of inertia, non-doing. Whereas it reminded me strongly of Laotze, what I said notwithstanding was "This sounds like the Hindu Nirvana." Hugh said, "I must put it on the Tree of Life." I then asked whether it might not be the core of each Sephira, the Paths being the attainment (which he had said was meaningless). I can now see my use of 'attainment' was careless, that I should have said, the Paths consisted of the going.
I hope this doesn't take too much of your precious time, but I would like you to keep in touch with the doings of these folks.
Paul's mind is interesting to me as I see him using it in various situations. Wednesday evening, the 26th Jan., he brought in a man to see me and have a talk. He has another in tow with a list of questions (!!) He discusses Crowley writings whenever he can get an audience, and now has three copies of Little Essays [Little Essays Towards Truth], which he uses to loan.
Hugh's angle as I now see it is a release of considerable power. For what? When he first comes he speaks rather steadily, as he tires—after an hour, say—the stuttering begins. But some day he will quit it entirely I feel sure.
By the way, Hugh said when he came, "All day I have been spiritually hot." Before leaving he said, "I'm getting afraid of myself." He didn't want to go home but finally picked up his papers, magazines, etc. and took his leave.
I will set up the Treasurer's report shortly, I hope, and send it along. The books, etc,. are still with Roy [Roy Leffingwell] in Temple City. He was to have been over a week ago, but had a bad stomach upset which kept him at home.
Tell Sascha [Sascha Germer] I was delighted to see the back anyhow of the shivering figure on the porch.
Love is the law, love under will.
Best of love to you both.